Chapter 16

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Am I just being paranoid?
No I'm not.
I don't want her to get hurt, and I want her to only be mine.

There is no way I will let anyone else have her. As I was still making food I looked back at her for a few minutes to check on her. She was looking at the wall with both her hands supporting her head. I sighed and turned back to the food.

Once I was finished I brought it to the table and placed her plate in front of her. I sat down opposite her and started to eat. She didn't though. I looked at her with a worried look. "Ain't you going to eat?" I asked her.

"I'm not hungry." She told me.

I sighed. She looks like she haven't ate in days. "Y/N you need to eat to have strength. Please. For me just eat." I told her.

She looked at me and sighed. She picked up her knife and fork and started to eat. I smiled at her. She was eating and she even asked for more food, of course I gave her more food. Once she cleared that we both got the bed ready. It was a king sized bed. So both of could fit in there. I got out of my suit and put something comfortable on.

We both climbed in and went to sleep.

~Time skip next day~

As I woke up I felt something in my arms. My vision came to me and I looked down I was holding Y/N and she was holding me. She looks so peaceful while sleeping. It's so cute. Her top half way up her stomach and I can see her chest.... Crap.

It's going to happen at some point but I don't think now is a good time.... Goddamnit this freaking universe messing with me....

"Y/N.... Wake up. Y/N." I said.

She slowly fluttered her eyes open and looked at me. "Good morning Izu~"


"Morning Y/N. Time to get up." I whispered to her.

She got up and out of bed and I done the same. I got changed while she was getting changed too. I have some idea and luckily Shigaraki and Kuroigi thought of it too. While Y/N was eating her breakfast I locked the bathroom window and put a lock on the door. I also put a lock on the bedroom door too.

"Izu what are you doing?" Y/N asked me.

"Well Y/N to make sure you don't escape I'm putting a lock on every door that needs a key. And I'm going to holding onto the key. Oh and if you try to escape you will be punished." I told her.

She didn't say anything to me she only looked at me. I smiled at her and then picked up the keys. I walked to Y/N kissed the top of her head and then walked to the door. " I love you and I'm going to work now. See you later." I told her.

I walked out the door and locked it. Leaving her inside locked up. I walked out the building and went to the place we all meet up for now. As I walked in I saw everyone there. "Kacchan escaped huh." I said.

"Shut up. You know when you want to kill All Might?" Shigaraki asked me.

"Not yet. When the time comes I will tell you." I said to him.

He nodded his head and I looked around the others that was there. "So you spent the night with Y/N huh~" Dabi teased

Oh for fuck sake!

I punched Dabi's arm. He just laughed at me. God damnit. "Take that as you didn't do anything with her. Hahaha." He said to me.

"Shut. Up." I told him.

He laughed again and I looked at everyone else. They started to laugh at what Dabi said. After they were done. I trained with Dabi for a bit and then I went home. When I walked in I saw Y/N running to me. I shocked she was running to me.... For a hug?

Nope she tried to escape....

I stopped her and carried her over my shoulder. She was struggling to get me to let go. I closed the door and locked it and then I took her to the bed room. "What did I say? You try to escape you get punished!" I told her.

I took out a device and looked at her. She looked scared. "W-what does that do?" She asked me.

"Your about to find out." I told her.

She backed away but I tackled her to the floor and restrained her. "I didn't want to have to do this Y/N next time listen to me when I say you will be punished." I told her.

I put the device to once of her nails and I pushed a lever down. Her finger nail came straight home. She screamed in pain. And trust me it hurt me too. To see her in pain but I had to I said I'd punish her and I did.

Y/N cried as I bandaged her finger up. I got her up but she tried to push me away I didn't work. I held her "shhh it's alright. I got you. Please don't try to escape again. I don't want to do that to you again. Please Y/N." I told her.

She cried and cried.

Eventually she fell asleep even though she's crying in her sleep. I held her and I eventually fell asleep too.

Oh wow thank you to all of you. I saw all your comments about this story and I'm really happy your enjoying it. Dabi acting like a big brother ha.

All your comments are really nice. arigatou Reader-Chan.

Thanks for reading

Bye for now

To be continued!

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