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"Conrad?" He asked while he rubbed his eyes, his glasses clattered to the floor when he groggily scratched the side of his face.

I felt the devil wrap his fingers around my small wrist while I watched the small dirty-blonde haired boy kneel down and blindly pat the hard wood floors in search of his glasses.

He squinted his bright blue eyes while looking around the room, but when I looked into his mind to see what he saw I realized we were just blurry figures to him. He could have easily mistaken the devil for Conrad.

Next thing I knew, when I switched back into my own mind, I was looking between the blinds of Conrad's louvered white closet door. I could still see the kid, who finally got a grip on the blue frame of his fragile glasses. He then slipped them on the bridge of his nose and behind his ears, after rubbing his fingerprint marks off the lens with the cloth of his shirt.

"Conrad?" He asked again.

"Stupid kid, he's obviously not there," the devil muttered beneath his breath. He was crouched down right beside me, peering through the blinds as well. One of Conrad's shirt sleeves was planted on his shoulder from where it dangled on a hanger above our heads on a rack, but he ignored the soft cotton touching his neck while his hazel eyes glared at the room.

"You're such a satanist," I muttered with a smile, he thought my jokes about him were stupid and didn't like my various references of him:

•Devil worshipper
•Demon King
•Angel slayer
•Fallen Angel
•Ex Angel
•Gods used-to-be favorite
•Dark lord
•Reiner of Hell
•King of the Hell
•Zues' brother
•Poseidon's brother
•Conquerer of the Titans
•Son of Kronos
•Sa (From the Egyptian Creation Myth)
•Hell dweller
•Underground Hell-road Conductor
•Harriet Hellman

I thought I was funny.

"How did we get to the closet anyways, another King Demon power?" I asked him, truly curious about how we magically appeared in the closet.

"It's a devil power, but I think you might be able to do it too with enough practice. You don't know half your powers," he whispered and my attention shifted back to the little boy who was now searching the room for the ghosts he just saw. "Should I scare him?"

"You are an awful person!" I whisper-yelled, watching the child in green dinosaur pajamas hesitantly lower his head to look under the bed. He had already searched every corner of the room, except the closet which he seemed deadly afraid of. I didn't blame him, the blonde looked like Stuart Little only a lot shorter and more adorable.

"I fell from heaven for a reason, didn't I?" He grinned widely and for a split-second, glanced around the tiny room of the closet we were in at all the shoeboxes and belts scattered around the plush carpet floor.

"How should I confront the other demons?" I asked him, it was an honest question because I couldn't just crawl through their window and flash my eyes at them.

If demons could kill demons, I was sure they would end my immortality.

"You shouldn't," he mumbled. He began move around in attempt to get comfortable in the small space, but when he crossed his legs he accidentally kicked over a stack of shoeboxes. The four-year-old looking under the bed shot straight up and leaned up against it like the mattress would protect him, "Conrad?"

"I swear to god, this kid is so stupid," the devil muttered.

I laughed at the irony, "No really, should I just straight up catch them in the middle of the hallway at school and be like 'I heard you were a demon, I'm one too. We should f-'"

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