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A cold rush of air hit me as hard as I fell straight to the ground, freezing the blood in my veins in freight when I hit the cold hard tiled floor with a loud smack.

Everything in my vision was tripled, when I looked up I could see six sapphire colored eyes peering down at me with a frown.

They disappeared in the grey of the vent when the sound of a mirror shattering filled the silence of the room, piercing my ears and only adding to my killer headache.


I was in so much trouble, there was no furniture to hide behind and I was literally in the center of the room just lying on the ground, waiting for them to arrest me.

My sense of direction was a jumbled mess but I could tell it came from my left, because that's where the door was- I still had time.

I could try to hide under the nurses desk to my left, but the police at the door were feet away from there, and the storage closet was behind it. If I could manage to scoot back, I could hide under the bed but I would be too slow for that. There was another bed with a curtain blocking view from it- but it was even farther. The bathroom had no escape and the cabinets were all locked.

The only way was up but there were three men to the left of where my feet lay.

I turned my head in that direction and sure enough, there was a tall buff man with red hair and dark brown eyes, pointing the nose of a little black gun in my direction.

He was in uniform, a navy blue shirt with a shiny gold badge on it, standing out to the ten other gadgets on his belt and hooked on his shirt pocket. Currently he had two heads and six arms, but I was going to assume that was still my eyes being shook out of focus from the hit my head took.

"Do not move!" He said to me in a calm but stern tone, his badge looked like it said, Officer Audition, but I knew what it really said.

It was officer Rick Austin, he was the dad of an old friend of mine- I hated her now.

Then again, I hate everyone (except myself).

"Shut up!" I barked at him, only getting a sharp pain in the back of my head from yelling.

I turned to my right to see a couple of bottles of serum had fallen out of the drawer I was rummaging through and were lying on the white tile floor.

"I will shoot-"

I shut the man up by throwing a small glass bottle of serum directly into his mouth (even though I had no idea what it would do to him if he swallowed it), he began to choke on the entire thing while the other stupid goons for cops just stood behind him with the safety on their guns still on.

I took this as an opportunity to change my appearance-couldn't risk them counting me as a suspect and having descriptive warrants for my arrest- my hair shrunk up to my shoulders after turning a blonde shade, and my eyes changed to a sea green color while my facial features morphed into different shapes.

I rolled onto my feet and jumped onto the counter, the other cops looked panicked, dazed, and confused but didn't make a move to stop me while Officer Austin's face turned purple from the lack of oxygen circling in his bloodstream.

I noticed they shattered the mirror I had barely placed beside the door, when he threw the it open.

Honestly, it pissed me off a bit.

"I'm trying to be a good person, cleaning up after myself and you losers interrupt and make a mess?" I screamed at them.

"Freeze! I will shoot!" A shorter cop threatened me, he looked hispanic and almost reminded me of my dad.

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