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I caught a glimpse of the thin sliver frame of Mr. Snyder's glasses, and ducked my head down. Rolling under the bed, where I could see baby blue slippers by the door. The man wearing them stood perplexed, "Did I see another head behind the bed?"

I bit my tongue.

I was laying on my stomach underneath Conrad's creaky mattress, with springs that could snap any second. Right above my head were metal bars of the frame holding up the bed, threatening to snap, more frail than Conrad's little brothers arms. Through the cotton of my shirt, I could feel the coldness of the wood floors seeping into my skin and raising goosebumps. Looking straight forward, I could see the louvered closet door still cracked open, I could see the Devils dark eyes peering at me.

"Yeah," Masons voice boomed through the room, scaring me so much I nearly jumped up and hit my head, "Mine. My heads back here." Even I rolled my eyes at the egotistical jerk Conrad had as a best friend. A deep voice of a grown man talked back to him, "I meant another one, Mason. Who else is here?" "No one, Dad." Conrad replied but his dad spoke again before he could catch his breath, "Don't lie to me, son." The slippers started shuffling along the brown floors, in front of the bed and the end table, then stopped when they stomped next to Masons black vans.

"Why do you still have your shoes on Mason?"
"I never got the chance to take them off?"
"One of them is untied?" Conrad's dad pointed out.
He hesitated for a second, "I was about to."
"Who does this 'M&M' backpack belong to?" Mr. Snyder asked and it took all the willpower in me not to laugh, it's OM&M.
"I got it last week," Mason lied, "for my girlfriend."
"What's her name?" Conrad's dad wasn't giving up but his feet and pale ankles were yet to move.
"Layley Pierce," my name slid off his tongue like he had said it a million times. I had never told him my last name.
"Sounds like a fake name."

Mr. Snyder's statement almost made me snort, my name was very real. The blue slipper started lightly bouncing up and down, Conrad's dad was getting desperate to find evidence to testify against Mason with. I could hear his sons heart beat speed up while Mason stayed relatively calm, the old mans deep voice made a break in the case. "Why is the window open?"

I silently cursed myself.

"I needed some fresh air," Mason replied, tone neutral. Mr. Snyder was right on his tail, "Yet, you had not enough time to take off your shoes?" Time was ticking and I was still stuck under Conrad's bed while the devil watched me fail at life from inside the closet, Mr. Snyder was getting angrier by the second. "Who did you sneak in, boys?" His voice was clear and stern but Masons was even steadier, "No one, sir." The blue slippers started moving around the room and on the other side of the bed, Conrad stepped onto the ground with only black socks on his large feet, "Dad, I wouldn't break the rules."

"Conrad, be quiet!" His father snapped and I realized why his son would always abide by the rules. The man walked to the closet and flung the door open, it banged against the wall with a crack and the Metallica poster beside it fell over and tore on the floor, he rummaged through the closet while I resisted the urge to crawl out from under the bed and maul the man. I was surprised he didn't see the devil sitting inside there with an evil glare in his eyes, only I could see him. I would have begged the devil to take the man to hell but Conrad would never understand I was only trying to defend him, "Where is she, Conrad! The girl your brother was talking about!"

A low growl emulated in the back of my throat and I pushed it down to a low hiss, Conrad's dad wasn't nearly as nice as his mom. As the saying goes, opposites attract. "Dad, I don't know what you're talking about!" Conrad barked, his dad pushed out from behind the clothes in the closet and stomped over to where his son shook like a coward.

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