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Getting run over was as bad as it seemed, the feeling of the rubber burning your skin and the weight of the car grinding against your bones was pretty brutal.

I felt my collar bone crack and my knees pop, the smelly tires peeled off the skin on my cheek. My neck was squashed and my shoulder blades were probably shattered, but my legs were bent awkwardly and I could see the white of a bone jutting out of my calf having split open my skin and streaming blood like a fountain. Once the weight of the entire earth was literally lifted off my shoulders, I rolled off my back and onto my stomach, ignoring the fact my arms were pink and dangling meaty flesh. The sting of the dirt on the road sticking onto me didn't bother me as much as the truck still rolling down the road, and the boys who had pushed me in front of it.

"You bastard!" I screamed, stretching my palm out in front of me and waving it in the direction I pushed the car off course. It steered right, just in time for Alexia to scramble out of the way but Chads femurs snapped beneath the fat tires of the blue truck. The rubber wheels screeched and burned, sputtering red, but couldn't save the car from smacking into a grove of healthy trees with thick trunks, the loud crash didn't faze me as much as Alexia's scream did.
She yelled her boyfriends name in freight once again, I watched her closely as she ran back to where he laid, officially dead now. His chest wasn't rising a bit, his head had rolled to the side, his eyes were closed but I still could feel him glaring at me grimly. Why didn't you save me? Why couldn't you have done something good for once in your life? Blood slivered down his head and all over his neck, but the massive flow of vermillion leaving his body was where his stick legs weren't attached to his body anymore. Like a Lego, they were detached at the waist.

I swallowed the greasy pizza and cinnamon toast crunch I had ate today while it tried to push up and out of my stomach, carrion smelled awful. The meaty intestines dipped in the lake of red formed out of Chad Dexters remains weren't appealing to the eye either, I found myself trying to think about who the boy was as a whole. My mind immediately got stuck on the thought Chad's little sister, in the grade above me, wondering if she would see his torn body or just a brown casket. Would she get curious and open it? Would she be in denial and try to see if it was really him they were burying, in suspicion they might be faking his death to let him get away with murder? How much would she cry, if she even did. The thought of not seeing her in my third period class for the next few days almost made me feel guilty, I tried to push the thought away which wasn't difficult in my physical condition.
Self-healing was painful, I could feel my bones grinding against themselves and sealing back together. My skin hummed while it sewed itself up and my ripped veins tried to plug themselves back into my body system. I clenched my teeth so hard together my gums began to hurt, I lost sight of Alexia when I squeezed my eyelids shut while screaming, "God!"

I had never been in so much pain before in my entire life, it felt like my entire body was broken and the gears inside me were desperately grinding and spinning to begin functioning once again. I clutched my chest where my sternum was trying to piece itself back together, my heart burned and my legs were aching more than my throbbing head. I growled a few more times before my body relaxed, my bones and veins were back in place beneath my scarless skin once again. The downside of it all was there was now a gaping hole in my jeans and my blood was all over Conrad's slipknot crewneck. I could fix myself but there was nothing I could do about my clothes.

"Is she okay?" Dane dared to ask.

I got on my hands and knees, glaring at them while I tried to regain my balance and function of my previously broken leg. Stalking them like a lion, I craned my neck and flashed my eyes while I stomped over to them, the cowards who stood shaking in their own skin. Alexia was on the ground sobbing, Conrad was laying unconscious against a tree stump, the person driving the truck was either dead or out cold, and the other demons were the reason for all of it.

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