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When we drove into the parking lot near the back entrance of the school, my friend glanced up at her rear view mirror and shook her head when she saw a dark glaze over my eyes. She spun the steering wheel to the right to pull into an available area and stopped her car, parking it and turning off the radio that was playing "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift. I watched her take off her seatbelt and sling her backpack halfway over her arm, ripping the cars key out of their socket and wrapping the lanyard around her knuckles. Once she was done, I remembered I had business to get done too; I unbuckled myself and unzipped the smallest pocket of my backpack to hide my phone in because my palms were so sweaty it would slip out and crack on the floor. Fastening all my school supplies in my bag, I slung it over one of my shoulders and placed my wrapped my fingers around the door handle. Before I could release myself from the vehicle Addison locked the door before I could push it open, I glared at her from the backseat of her car.

"Don't do anything that you will regret."

"I wont regret anything I do to Alex," I sneered, she unlocked all the doors of the car and we got out in unison.

She scowled at me before slamming the door shut and walking towards the entrance of the school, "Make sure it's untraceable to you."

I stared at her as we speed walked, trying to get inside her head but her hazel eyes purposely avoided contact with mine. They had a worried look in them, she brushed her dirty blonde hair out of her face with her hands which had light blue acrylic nails glued to the fingertips. She was extremely pretty if you asked me, I was jealous of her hairless, fawn colored skin and luscious long blonde hair while I was stuck with a flat beige skin tone and shoulder length light brown hair.

"How would that even be possible?"

"Use another aneurism trick and you'll end up like Zoe in season three of American Horror Story," she muttered bitterly, scanning her eyes across the lot to check for any listening ears.

"Don't spoil it! I'm barely on season two, Netflix is slow on updates."

"Just remember it was just a rumor, I bet hardly anyone believed it," she ignored my careless comment, making sure not to trip over the curve of the sidewalk when we approached it, "he's only fourteen and has a family that cares about him."

I doubt he cared about them if he joked about killing his mother all the time, the kids a psychopath.

"Honestly," I replied, thinking like a homicidal freak, "I would want him dead if I were his parent."

But I am a psychopath too.

"Shut up," she hushed me as we passed a socially awkward junior as we entered the school; he held the door open for us without question.

The hallways were crowded since the bell had rung about a minute ago, I waved hello to Ty and Isaac entering their first period at the end of the main hallway of the school.

My first period was down the first hall to our right but Addison's was upstairs and down a back hallway so we bided each other goodbye and I watched her skip half the steps to get to class on time.

Don't be confused, she had no "powers" but she was the schools track star.

I spun on my heels to the right and through the entrance of a quiet hallway, the only sounds you could hear were my footsteps and a toilet flushing in the bathrooms to my left, two boys walked out of it and pretended like I didn't notice them. There were only two more doors in the hall, another to my left (the video production room full of macs) and one on the wall directly in front of me. If you weren't headed towards that classroom, you could turn to the left and go down a separate hallway branching out to about seven others, or enter the math room through the second door further down that same hallway.

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