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"You're bluffing," I replied with a stone hard face.
"Am I?" Sheriff Owen slammed his fist down on the table, an inch away from my fingers.
"See, the thing about you sheriff, is that you have green eyes," I began talking with a mischievous grin on my face while Owens only raised an eyebrow as if asking me what my point was. I continued but my grin fell to a scowl, "And I can see right through them."

He scrunched up his mouth and sat back in his chair, scratched his thinning hair and then stood up abruptly. Angrily grabbing the keys of the handcuffs out of a small pouch on his belt and undoing the locks on my wrists. He had crazy look in his clear eyes while he growled at me, "I know you're guilty, and I won't stop at nothing to prove it. I'll put you behind bars or I'll die trying, Layley Mortal."

I stood up out of my chair with a smile as another police officer opened the door to escort me out, I walked over to the exit before I turned around with a sly smile. I winked at him with my black demon eyes, and watched him shiver as he heard me taunt him, "I'll get nose bleed seats at the funeral."


It had been hours since we had gotten back from the police station and for hours we had looked through every book on the small shelf in the attic to educate ourselves on our own kind.

Demons: the Devils slave, his dirty workers, and sometimes even his kids. Their jobs were to roam the earth and cause as much nonsense as they pleased while embracing deadly sins, but since they tend to be selfish only happened to do bad when it benefited them.

They had the ability to turn anyone into a demon almost as powerful as them; however, in order to do turn someone into a demon, they must nearly kill them first before they catch a glimpse of the Devil and he steals their soul. Which is why Conrad was accidentally turned into a demon; right as I was pushing him into death, he clung onto life with one lucky last breath of fire that scorched his soul. The same breath I took when I saw the Devil for the first time almost four years ago. Conrad wouldn't ever be as powerful as me, but since I was a demon born, he was just as good as a regular demon like Dane who was turned by Warren.

Which meant that the arrogant blonde was my equal.

We were demon borns, we were immortal and we healed quickly, only an angel as strong as us could kill us. Which there were only two suspected to be alive on this planet.

Regular demons lived as long as they would last; they healed but did so slowly. If anything deeply wounded them, chances were against them in surviving.

Angels were another story, made from saving a persons life right as they died. They lived on earth to stop evil, but if they were killed by a demon they would finish eternity in heaven.
Unless they were bad angels...
Like the ones in Haven, that stop demons rather than stop evil.

Not all villains are actually bad; they've been killing the good guys. Maybe they're cutting off our ties with the weak so they can have the last fight alone with us, and by us I mean Warren and I. By the time we get to the big fight scene, Dane and Conrad will both be gone.

I don't know what Havens Angels intentions are, but I plan on sending them anywhere but heaven in attempt to find out.

"Do you know why they're attacking us?" Conrad read my mind as he thumbed through the pages of a small book I had previously read with his eyebrow raised.

He had been reacting surprisingly well considering I killed one of his "acquaintances" and then unintentionally dragged him into a murder case where the other Demons killed another innocent teenager. He had only cried in the morning for a less than an hour, and had been complaint with our plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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