"Uhm, hello... can I have the ball back, please?" she spoke politely and innocently placing her arms behind her back. Up close she was so beautiful and precious that they found it difficult to take their eyes of her.

As Ian fixated his eyes directly at her, Chris watched as the two held eye-contact for a brief while not saying anything. He needed not to say anything, because he knew this was probably the only moment he was ever going to get with her, and although it was cut short, it meant more to him than anything; getting to look deep into her light blue eyes that resembled his and admire her soft, delightful face and having her look back at him, was everything and more that he could've asked for.

"You played really well out there" he spoke up, trying to hide the slight crack in his voice as a small tragic smile plastered on his face. 

"Thank you" she replied as she slowly swayed side to side

"Are you the captain of the team?" he asked, unable to leave her eyed.

She glanced up at Chris who sent her a warm smile, before turning her attention back to Ian. "Yeah, but I have to stop playing, my daddy says soccer classes are really expensive" she said, as her lips began to pout. "Can I have my ball back, please?".

As the words 'Daddy' left her mouth, Chris noticed the expression on Ian's face began to slowly drop and was replaced with a disheartening look. He was about to speak up again to say something to her, but before he could, he was stopped by the sound of someone calling her name from behind and he quickly looked past her to see a middle aged man heading in their direction.

"Daddy!" she turned around to run over to the man; who quickly picked her up and spun her around. They watched as he placed multiple kisses all over her face, whilst she playfully laughed out loud trying to turn her head away Chris glanced down at Ian as he fixated his eyes on them with a desolated look plastered all across his face as he steadily held the ball in his hands. She was happy, more than happy with the father she's known ever since she was a baby and ht realized that there was nothing he could do to ever change or ruin that.

"That was a good game, honey" the man uttered, placing one more kiss on her forehead, before going to look back at Chris and Ian. "Go to mommy and Jake, daddy will be there soon and we'll go get whatever you want to eat to celebrate your big win" he said, placing her back down on the ground.

"Okay, daddy" she turned around to take the ball from Ian, who handed it over to her, and they watched as she ran over to a blonde middle aged woman carrying a toddler in her arms; who they assumed to be her mother and baby brother.

They watched as the woman bent down to give her a hug and a kiss, before taking her hand and leading her out the park and over to their car, before turning they turned their attention to her adopted father who stood staring at the both of them.

"I gotta say, its not everyday we expect to see people like you here" he spoke up, taking a step closer to them as he held a friendly smile on his face. 

Chris glanced at Ian who slowly got up from the floor, before speaking up. "You know who we are?" he questioned.

"Of course, you're more popular than you think, your father and your brother; Phillip Dalton was a famous business man who donated to a lot of charities including mine, everybody knew who he was, I'm very sorry for your loss" he uttered as Ian slipped his hands in his pockets, whilst lowering his head slightly. "I'm Fred Marshall, I believe you already met my daughter, when you gave her back her ball, thank you, you know she's usually very shy with strangers".

Chris watched as Ian hung his head low, almost like he was thinking of something, before he lifted his head back up seconds later to speak up. "She's very talented with Soccer... we heard that she has to stop playing due to how expensive classes are, so if you don't mind we'd like to pay for it and for everything else regarding her School and other social activities that she likes to do" he said as he brought out his wallet to pull out a check book and a small pen, before going to write an amount.

His Saviour {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now