Muttering about time machines and meeting wives when they're much, much too young, the Doctor rounds the car and hops into the passenger seat, crossing his arms over his chest and looking rather like a petulant toddler refusing to enjoy a carousel ride. With a satisfied smirk, River puts the car into drive and steps on the gas, maneuvering them onto the street and away from the Pond residence.


Of course, the first thing she does is get into a street race with a teenage boy. They're stopped at a traffic light, the Doctor fiddling with the radio and trying to find something suitably romantic for their nighttime jaunt while River taps her fingers impatiently against the steering wheel.

"Did we steal your father's most prized possession to go anywhere in particular?"

"Oh, I'm supposed to have a plan?"

"Are you suggesting you don't need a plan because I never have a plan?" He reaches out and taps her nose. "Because if you are, that is entirely beside the point, River Song."

She rolls her eyes. "I thought we might go dancing."

"Ah, excellent choice." He beams. "But why didn't you say you wanted to go dancing when we were in the TARDIS? I could have taken you to New York in the twenties! I'm brilliant at the Charleston."

She eyes him fondly. "Not exactly the sort of dancing I'm hoping for tonight, honey."

While he's contemplating what that means, he finds exactly the right kind of song - their song. Well, it probably isn't their song yet, but it's going to be. He turns it up and looks at her, hoping to be rewarded with a smile but the music is drowned out by River revving the engine loudly, her grip tightening around the steering wheel. Confused by her glare, he follows her line of sight and finds she's staring down a young man in a Mini Cooper.

"River, what -"

The light changes and she steps on the gas, sending the Doctor sprawling back into his seat with a yelp. They shoot down the street in a squeal of tires and a trail of smoke, and though the young man keeps up admirably for a while, River ultimately leaves him in the dust, laughing in delight as she zooms past him and out of sight.

The sound of sirens not far behind drowns out the closing bars of their song, giving the Doctor visions of a very grumpy Amy and Rory coming to bail them out of jail and pick up their stolen car, but River is an expert in evading law enforcement by now. To her amusement, the young man in the Mini Cooper isn't so lucky.


He still hasn't forgiven her when they reach Ministry of Sound, sipping his fruity drink with an umbrella at the bar and trying to hear River over the sound of the music pounding in his ears. He can only make out a few words - he was challenging me, sweetie! What was I supposed to do, back down?! - but he's pretty sure what he isn't hearing is an apology. Their song was playing and everything.

Finally, she sighs and leans against the bar, still dressed in the short, clingy dress she'd been wearing when he picked her up - he'd stumbled into a frat party and found River in the middle of a group of salivating young men, but she'd tossed them all aside the minute she noticed him in the doorway. "Are you going to sulk all night or are you going to dance with me?"

Pausing, he listens to the thumping bass pounding through the floor of the darkened nightclub and wrinkles his nose. Around the room, sweaty bodies have melded from individual people into one writhing, gyrating mass. It is not the kind of dancing he's familiar with and in his top hat and tails, it certainly isn't the kind of dancing he's dressed for. "Actually, I think I'll just -"

"Please, sweetie?" River bites her bottom lip, plump and red and - he gulps. "It's my birthday."

Even this young, she knows exactly how to wrap him around her finger. Perhaps the music will slow eventually and he'll be able to pull her into his arms and feel her pressed against him. It's his favorite part of dancing with River. With that hope in mind, he lets her take his hand and pull him onto the dance floor. He hasn't had nearly enough to drink to lower his inhibitions and as a result, he doesn't do much but blush and flail as River grinds against him.

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