Chapter 29

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  Now:  Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

I had finally managed to get into Taehyung's hospital room, well, get into the ICU. This room was small, much smaller than the one I was staying at. It was just as bland and white as the rest of the hospital. The type of white that would give you a headache if you stared at it for too long.

Taehyung was the only patient here, the single white bed across the one he was laying at was vacant. The life machines and monitors rang directly into my ears, making it harder for me to grasp the reality that is our lives.

My head still pounded and the pain was even more intense as I walked, thus needing Jungkook to escort me to Taehyung's room. They offered a wheel chair, but I refused, I think that if I sat down in one, I would have to face what is happening, and I'd still rather wish that Taehyung is going to wake up and that we would leave this place in no time. I wasn't ready to give up my optimism, or rather my naivety.

I sat down on an old red cushioned chair next to the small bed-one of the very few colored items in the room-and winced as my now purple back screamed in agony. I didn't notice when my younger brother had left the room, I wasn't even sure if he was still watching over me, but I couldn't focus on anything apart from Taehyung's pale lips and hollow eyes.

He looked as if he had aged five years in only twenty-four hours. As he was sleeping, he didn't have that peaceful look on his face that he'd grown to wear in the past few months. He looked tired and exhausted. Worst of all, he looked like he was in pain.

His left hand wasn't as bruised as the right one. Taking it into my now weak and shaky hands, I brought it on my lips, giving it a faint kiss, I could faintly discern his smell. Triggered, I felt as if the pain from my head and back travelled all over my body.

I didn't call a nurse as the pain became so unbearable, my eyes started to close on their own and I could only see blurred images in front of me. The sobs that left my mouth couldn't be heard, or maybe they could, I don't know, the buzzing sound in my ear never went away.

Clutching Taehyung's arm into my chest with my two hands, gripping it, as if that would make him remember my touch, remember me, and that would help him wake up.

I couldn't think of anything else but how deserving I was of my own pain. I couldn't do anything to help us as we were being attacked, I just stood there behind him like a hurt little puppy and let him get all the hits.

I was incapable of protecting the one that I love and that resulted in him laying half dead in a stuffy fucking hospital room.

For a moment I was glad that we were alone, I probably would have scared the other patient with my weeping.

I wanted to tell Taehyung to wake up and not leave me alone. I wanted to say that I am here and that I won't leave without him. 'Everything is going to be okay', I wanted to tell him. 'We'll be going home soon; you just need to wake up' were the sentences I so desperately tried to form.

And yet nothing happened.

Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. I could only hold his hand as I did on that night, and pray for him to come back to me even though I didn't deserve it. I could only close my eyes, and lay my head on his leg, watching him from behind the wet tears, not knowing that this sad foggy image of him will be one of the last ones that I will ever see.

As I slept on his leg, he had already made a decision. One that I didn't want to think of, and one that I kept repeating in my mind that will never happen. What a fucking fool I still am.

A/N: i love and hate the end at the same time

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