Chapter 15

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   Now:   Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

  It was later in the afternoon. Finding this place was harder to do without having a smart phone. I had to personally ask people around if they knew where I could find a tattoo parlor in the area. Thankfully, I didn't have to ask too many people-one to be precise.

  Taehyung still didn't know where we were going. I was driving the car and had only told him that it was a birthday surprise.

  To be honest, I was quite nervous. I had already taken the decision and I knew that I wouldn't back down from it, that wasn't what was bothering me.

  What worried me more, was Taehyung's reaction. I didn't know if he would be surprised in a good way or if he would think that this was a stupid idea.

  Technically, he wasn't the one that was going to be getting a tattoo, but I would totally understand if he was against it. He already had a few tattoos already, but this was a whole different thing.

"We've been driving for way too long. Do you even know where we are going?", to be honest I didn't exactly know the right way, I was just driving and hoping to get there by following the directions I had been given.

"This wouldn't have been happening if we hadn't gotten rid of our phones.", I had been vocal once or twice to show my displeasure of his 'phone logic' and I knew that that was a subject we had disagreed on.

"We're going to fight on my birthday?"

"We're not fighting. We're here!", I smiled as we had finally reached the destination. Parking wasn't bad and I managed to leave the car not that far away from the shop.

Taehyung didn't say anything as we entered the tattoo parlor. I didn't know if that was a good or a bad sign.

"I have an appointment for Park Jimin."

"You're getting a tattoo?", I looked over to Taehyung and nodded, smiling.

"Happy Birthday. I'm getting your initials tattooed on my body.", this was one of those many moments where I couldn't decrypt what his facial expression meant. His face was unmoving, and it made me wonder if this was a horrible idea.

"Would you have time to fit us both in? The tattoos are going to be small.", he looked over to the artist.

"Sure, there's plenty of time until my next appointment."

"You're getting one too?"

"Yeah why not, it's not a bad idea. Plus, I don't think that getting matching tattoos would be the craziest thing we've ever done together.", I knew that it wasn't, but getting someone's name written permanently on your body was a big fucking deal. God, I love this man too much.

"So, who's going first?"

"I am.", I walked over a leathered chair and told the artist of what I wanted done.

  It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Probably since it was a small design and it didn't last long. Or maybe because Taehyung was standing behind me and was gently running his fingers through my hair.

  This was the most PDA we had ever done. We knew better than to be too close to each other. It wasn't that we were afraid-especially not Taehyung-but I didn't want to get judgmental looks on the streets. It was a terrible thing to say, but it was the terrible reality.

  I paid for the tattoos since it was my idea in the first place, and it was a sort of a birthday gift.

"Thank you for getting one as well.", we were standing in front of the shop, and the sun had long set down.

  Taehyung shrugged, "It's not that big of a deal.", it was a huge deal for me. "Not going to lie, I was surprised, but also endeared.", he put his hand on my cheek. "I'm happy you thought of this. I never thought that someone would get a tattoo on their body for me."

"I left everything behind for you, and I will do it all over again if I have to.", this whole moving away and staying on the road was scary as hell, and there was no turning back now.

"I know.", he said softly, his hand still laying softly on my face. "I love you for that."

  I giggled "I love you too silly.", I took his now tattooed hand into mine and kissed it lightly. "Now let's go get drunk."

  We moved towards the car, a tiny 'kth' covering my left ring finger, and a similar one on his left ring finger saying 'pjm'.

A/N: Ah yes, the calm before the storm-ish.

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