Chapter 23

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  Now:  Jimin's POV:

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  Jimin's POV:

  The past two weeks have been good, even too good to be true. Sometimes I had to pinch myself to make sure that this wasn't all a dream.

  Taehyung kept his promise about us moving in together. I never doubted him, but I was too afraid of him waking up one day and deciding that it wasn't worth it and that we would part our ways.

  He had also agreed on us finally putting the money that I kept in the trunk of his car into a good use. The down payment, and the next two months of rent were paid by what I used to think was pocket money, and that it wound only last us a couple of weeks. I never stopped to think that the world has a different perception of how much money is too much money.

  At a first sight Daegu wasn't too bad of a city. Of course, this was only my first time being here and I didn't know anything about it, but it was a metropolitan area and I could still have that Seoul-like way of living. Well, at least some aspects of it.

Taehyung's car stopped in a populated area with different maisonnettes and apartment complexes squashed together. Spring was right around the corner and the faint outline of the sun behind the clouds was peeking its way through.

  It was a Saturday; students were out of school and most parents were at home. Stepping out of the car we were greeted by the loud yelling and laughter from the neighboring kids. This was definitely way more different than what I was used to. Growing up where nothing was out of place, and no loud noises could be heard outside-let alone on a weekend-I didn't know how to react to this change of situation. It was a good change of scenery, though.

"Let's go inside first, shall we? We'll take the bags after we've looked around.", I nodded, my smile matching the one on Taehyung's face. He looked happy, and that made me happy as well.

  He was the one in charge of finding us a place to stay. He organized everything and even met up with the land lord a couple of times before while I stayed behind following my online classes.

"Do you want to do the honors?", I took the key from his outstretched hand and put it inside the lock. I am exaggerating maybe, but I cannot describe the feeling I felt as I opened the door to our home. This was ours; we would be living here from now on as a one small family, and I couldn't help but feel some bit of a pride.

  We were welcomed by the big living room. The small maisonnette was already furnished with the most important necessities, we would only have to take care of the smaller things we would need later on such as a coffee maker or a washing machine.

  It was nothing special really. The couches were an ugly brown color, the TV had probably seen better days, and the dining table wasn't stable. Yet none of that mattered.

"Thoughts? I know it's not the best, but it was all I could find in such a short period of time and with the amount of money that we had.", Taehyung was nervous. I understood why.

"I think my favorite part is the open kitchen.", I smiled reassuringly. "I love it, trust me. Plus, we don't need anything more."

"There is only one bedroom and one bathroom down the hallway."

"It's perfect. Now let's go get our things and make it homier.", he didn't seem too convinced, but he didn't say anything as we went outside. The small garden wasn't in a too bad of a shape either. For a neighborhood on the poorer side, the hoses were all surrounded by wooden fences. They weren't in a great condition, but they seemed to do the job. 

"Do you think I could plant vegetables and fruit in our garden? Make all the surrounding wives jealous?"

  We managed to carry our few belongings inside with only one trip to the car. "You know how to garden?"

"I could learn. Plus, I got to feed you when you come back from work.", I walked towards him, wrapping my hands around his torso, "I love it here, you believe me, right?", I listened to his heart beating as I put my head on his chest.

"I'm just worried that it's not good enough for you."

"Don't be silly. I couldn't ask for more, this is our home now, and I will always cherish it."


  I giggled, "Yes, truly."

A/N: Unrelated but everyone go stream WONHO's first ever solo comeback. It's perfect and it's absolutely beautiful

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