Chapter 17

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  Now:  Jimin's POV:

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  Jimin's POV:

  The road was never-ending. We would pass a couple of cars every now and then, and that was it.

  I don't think that we will be able to find any source of life or even a gas station until a few kilometers away. As time passes by, I realize more and more that the path that we walk together is especially lonely.

  I like being alone. I like being alone with my Tae and with no one else in sight. But I can't stand the loneliness, especially when we are apart, even if it is just for a couple of hours.

  The money that I was holding felt nice in my hands. I would lick my fingers every now and then to count them better. There wasn't much. Actually, there wasn't even enough to call it 'a lot' in the first place.

  I didn't know if I should say something. I didn't want to make him feel like I was complaining. I did want to complaint though, but not now.

  I knew that money was going to be a problem. Motels would cost a lot of money, and food, and drinks and gas were unavoidable.

  The music wasn't playing too loud today. I noticed that he does that whenever he has something going on in his mind and is trying to concentrate.

"Are you going to keep looking at me, or will you say what's on your mind?', he looked at me briefly, turning his gaze back on the road.

"There is not much cash left."

"Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out.", he shifted in his seat.

"How exactly are you going to do that? Look, we're running even lower on money than before, I don't know how that is possible, but there is less and less money and nothing keeps coming back."

"I said I'll figure something out. Don't worry your mind too much.", I sighed, turning my face towards the car window.

  This was getting stupid. He always said not to worry about money, but how could I not? What the hell is going to happen to us in a couple of weeks if we don't think of something?

"Actually, there is something I haven't told you about. Before I left, I took money out of my bank account-"

"No, absolutely not."

"Can you not interrupt me?"

"I already know what you are going to say, and no I won't be using your family's money."

"I already have that money. It's literally in the trunk of this car. What's the problem, it will make everything easier plus it's a good amount of cash. Plus, my old credit card is also there, we could try and see if my dad hasn't frozen it. We can just withdraw some money, it's as simple as that."

"I already said no. I don't want your dad's money.", he said in a calm voice, not once looking away from the road in front of him.

"It's my money, no it's our money now. We are running low and this is a backup plan that can help us."

"I already said no. Case closed."

"Fine, I'm sorry for bringing it up.", this was unbelievable. I will have to think of a way to use that money.

  I won't be able to sneak some of the cash into this pile. He counts the money as much as I do. He will know that something is not right.

  It was hard walking this road together when things were constantly getting in the way and you don't know how to get rid of them.

A/N: I suck at writing about feelings, my undecisive a** always makes them unsure about their feelings like me. *sigh*


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