Chapter 9

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  Before:  Jimin's POV:

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  Jimin's POV:

  Almost a week had passed since the last time that I had seen Taehyung. His words still lingered at the back of my mind while in between classes, homework and dance practice.

  Then there was the kiss. Not a day had passed that I didn't think of it. The still fresh memory was usually the first and last thing I had thought of during the day.

  It was Friday. I smiled when I saw the familiar motorcycle parked on the other side of the road of the university. I sent a quick message to my driver and quickly crossed the street.

  His face was expressionless, but then again it always was. He passed me an extra helmet and I sat behind him without either of us greeting each other.

  It was always difficult to read him. I didn't know if he was in a bad mood, or simply didn't want to talk. Nevertheless, I hooked my arms around his waist and let him take me wherever he wanted to.

  It was scary just how much I learned to trust him in such a little time...

  We arrived at the same spot as the last time we had kissed. The sun was gone, and he was indeed right when he had said that the view of the city was better at night.

"Are you cold?", he finally spoke. I shook my head, despite feeling cold.

"We haven't spoken in almost a week. What have you been up to?", it seemed like a short period of time, yet I had grown used to talking and texting almost every day, that this week seemed like an eternity.

"I had to take care of some last-minute details before I leave."

"You're still leaving?", I tried to not show my disappointment, although I don't think I succeeded.

"I told you last time that I had been planning for this for a long time.", he still didn't look at me.

"I just thought-", I just thought that you would stay for me. What a bullshit thought. "When are you leaving?"

"In a week maybe.", a week. A week, and then everything would be over. I wasn't allowed to think this way. Nothing was over. We never dated, and our friendship was bound to be short termed.

"Have you ever had a place you wanted to go to so badly, that you made it your lifegoal to reach it one day.", he asked.

"I don't-I don't think so."

"I haven't. All I know is that I want to go anywhere possible."

"That's called a vacation.", he laughed, and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle too.

"A vacation that never ends thought. I always liked the thought of being on the road. Not having a clear destination in mind and just going to whatever place you reached first."

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