Chapter 11

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  Now:  Jimin's POV:

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  Jimin's POV:

We had decided to leave Hoseok Hyung's place the very next day. We weren't running away per say, but it was still better if we left to be on our own, not bothering anyone.

Hoseok Hyung had argued that we should stay longer, and that we weren't causing any inconvenience, but I saw the look on his face that morning.

It wasn't a judging look, but it was clear that he had seen the news. That, and the fact that he and Taehyung had a hushed conversation as soon as we had woken up.

We didn't see each other last night and the food that I had planned on making was left as a mess in the kitchen. Yet again, he had cleaned up after us.

As we said goodbye in the early hours of the day, he and Taehyung hugged for a heartbeat longer, knowing that the next time they were going to see each other again was in the very distant future.

This time there was no music blasting in the car, the radio was so low you could barely hear it. It wasn't awkward between us. I think our heart to heart, had made us more comfortable with each other, if that was even possible in this situation.

I hadn't talked to my parents yet, and we had to be careful, not knowing if their 'missing person's reward' was still on, and if the police were still involved.

That was probably still the case, I could only hope that my brother would talk to them and possibly smooth things over but I knew that I couldn't let down my guard.

I didn't ask where we were heading, knowing that even Taehyung wasn't entirely sure himself. It was almost Christmas and here we were on the road with no destination in mind, not knowing where we were going to spend the night.

I tried not to worry, especially not now. I wasn't used to this situation. I knew that Taehyung wasn't either but I knew that time would change everything.

Spring and Summer will come and the flowers will be blossoming, and we will drive with the widows down and Taehyung will play his music-that I secretly don't like-on blast and all will be good.

No one else will be involved in our relationship.

His birthday was coming and I didn't even know what to give him. Money will be tough from now on, but the end of the year was always a time for festivities.

"We're heading towards Naju. We'll probably stay there, but since things aren't clear now I was thinking that maybe we could say somewhere outside the city for the time being.", Taehyung spoke from behind the wheel.

"It would have been nice if we could google some motels or something that are in the area. Are you sure you're fine driving blindly?"

"Don't doubt my skills. I know how to read signs."

"I never doubt you.", I laughed. "It's just that I don't want to end up sleeping in the woods because you got lost."

He took my hand into his, bringing it to his lips. One simple gesture like this and he could make me feel like I'm on cloud nine.

"What's wrong with sleeping in the woods? It could be a fun camping experience.", he smiled over to me.

"Eyes on the road. I'm not going to sleep in the backseat of this car."

"We could do something else in the backseat."

"Find us a place to stay at first, and then I'll think about that."

"Now, I'm motivated."

After some time, we had seen a small motel. I was sitting in the car while Taehyung went inside to get us a room.

The room was small and stuffy, although Taehyung didn't seem to mind. There was a double bed, a small table and an old TV above it.

"At least it's clean.", I was looking around. "We'll have to buy bed sheets and all of that soon, just to be sure. We'll have to get dinner too. In the future we'll have to look for rooms with fridges since we'll never know how long we'll be staying at a place. We'll-", I glanced over to where Taehyung was leaning against the small table, an amused look on face.

"Go on, it's like I've wife-d you up."

"I'm sorry.", I let out a breath. "This is new to me, and I need everything organized and clean and... perfect."

"It's fine. I like seeing you like this. This is just for now. It's holiday season and everything is packed. We're lucky we even got this room. I told the receptionist I was here with my girlfriend on a holiday break, otherwise I don't know if she would have given me the room if I were alone."

I went over to where he was standing, pecking him on his lips.

"Well, your boyfriend is really happy to be with you during the holidays.", I locked our lips once again. His hands moved lower while mine stayed intertwined around his neck.

"We should probably go shower.", he uttered in between kisses, his hands sliding dangerously lower.

"We probably should."


We sat on the bed, pizza boxes in between us. "I'll call my brother tomorrow."

"Okay. Don't stress to much about it. Your parents can't do much. If they don't let this go, all you'll have to do is call the police station and say that you're fine. Case closed."

"If only it were as simple as that with them. I just don't want this to turn into a bigger mess than it already is.", travelling from one place to another as a simple citizen and running away from the cops and stand byers wasn't the same thing.

I knew I was at fault as well. I shouldn't have just left a letter after saying that I was going on a trip, but I was also a legal adult.

I had never gotten angry towards my parents, but them subconsciously trying to tear me away from my Taehyung pulled at my wrong strings.

I had to keep my chill, thought. All was good tonight. We were together, in bed eating pizza and we were happy. That's how we will stay for a long time.

Together and happy, and no one will be able to separate us.

A/N: i haven't been feeling the best these past few days, writing this fic has definitely been a good distraction.

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