Don't You Dare Die On Me! Don't You Dare!

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(Before you read this, I must warn you, I have a frying pan if any threats on my life are made! Oh, and remember, considering this is my own DC timeline, Damian was not stabbed by Heretic, Batman came and stopped the clone before he could)

"NOW THE NINJA AND MY FRIEND ARE BOTH GONE!?" roared Saten, shaking with fury.

"Calm down, Saten, we'll find them!" Aiki tried to assure her leader. 


"Uh, erm, we can track the Zeta stuff!"


You see, dear reader, after Mikoto had Zeta-Beamed to the Soul Ocean, Damian had gotten angry and punched the Zeta Machine. Sensing a threat, the machine had shot the same green beam at Damian, and said ninja teleported away.

Elena was just as worked up as Saten. Fire had completely engulfed her body. "WE NEED TO FIND HIM!!"

"NO DUH!" Saten roared back.

Meanwhile, Mikoto was walking across the roof of the massive mansion. She couldn't use static electricity to keep herself upright, considering the roof was also composed of marble. So she was going at a slow pace, being careful. She'd taken out the security camera that was on the roof, but she knew that soon, somebody would come looking for her. 

Definately soon, considering she had taken out one of their men.

She didn't shock him, because sadly, the guards seemed to be equipped with full body suits that didn't conduct electricity. Mikoto had just gotten a lucky kick to the head.

Mikoto was certain that the alien mothership was nearby. She could feel someone with a similar- no, the exact power as her near by. And Dick had said that Future-Mikoto had been taken hostage by the Gavatticans. 

All Mikoto had to do was find her. 

Mikoto heard footsteps approaching.

"I think I heard her!" A male voice yelled, and the footsteps picked up speed.

"Crap." Mikoto breathed as she picked up the pace. 

Mikoto turned a corner around one of the chimneys, but she slipped. Mikoto let out a squeak of surprise as she fell off the roof. Mikoto desperately used electromagnetism to swing herself towards the iron door of the garage.

She slammed against it with a BANG. Mikoto quickly jumped down and took off for the forest as fast as she could. She raised her arms abover her head protactively as the men on the roof shot at her.

After a few minutes, Mikoto skidded to a halt once she realized the snipers were no longer in pursuit.

"That was a close one." Mikoto muttered.

"MISAKA, THERE YOU ARE GOSH DARN IT!" Mikoto staggered a little as she felts a pair on little, yet strong arms wrap around her stomach. Mikoto craned her neck to look behind her.

Damian Wayne, the trained assasin, certified ninja, member of the Bat Family, rich kid, arrogant prick, ...... was hugging her.

And for some reason, he only had his utility belt and gloves from his Robbin suit. He was mainly wearing a gray sweatshirt and jeans. 

"Oh, er, hey Damian..." Mikoto said, awkwardly patting the kid's back. Then she froze. "Wait- how did you get here?"

Damian jumped back. "That Zeta Machine got me, too." he explained. "I came-to here."

Mikoto grunted in response. She shielded her eyes against the sun that was peering down beneath the leaves. "I think I know where the Gavattican's mothership is. If we destroy that..."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now