Red Robin? Isn't That A Restaurant?

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Mikoto gasped. "Jaaku? But that means-"

Jaaku grinned. "That should be obvious." he said. "Can't you tell by the fact I want to kill you?" More black goo spilled from his mouth as he spoke.

He looked at the sky. "Well..... it looks like I have to go...... don't worry, I'll see you again, Mikoto of Krypton.... but for now......." He snapped his clawed hand, and a tsunami of the black goo rose into the sky.

"HOLY CRAP!" Mikoto screamed, before grabbing both Elena and Artemis (The gravity spell had worn off) and raising into the sky, Beast Boy, as an eagle, right behind her.

The foursome watched as the wave crashed down, knocking trees from the ground and instantly killing everything it touched.

Beast Boy stared, and let out a cry of surprise.

Elena lazily looked down. "Man..... that stuff looks evil....."

"That is what his name means." Mikoto muttered.

They heard the sound of a plane above them, and looked up as an orange jet flew down to eye level with them, and a hatch opened. Mikoto gratefully flew in, resting her two friends on the ground as Beast Boy changed back into his humanoid form.

"Man, you look like crap." a voice said, and Mikoto looked up to see a teenager with black hair in a red and black jumpsuit with a domino mask leaning against the wall.

Elena coughed. "Nice to see you too, Timmy Tim....."

'Timmy Tim' glared at her, and sighed. "It's Red Robin, Elena...." he groaned.

Mikoto frowned. "Red Robin? Isn't that a restaurant?"

Tim's eye twitched as Elena snorted in laughter.

 Beast boy stood up. "Hey, Red." he said. "Nice timing."

Tim turned around, walking to the ship's con trolls. "Elena, mind helping?" he asked over his shoulder. "I could use some help..... Starfire's in the bathroom."

Elena's eyes lit up and she darted past him, sitting in one of the chairs, spinning around. "Sure thing, Timster." she said cheerfully.

Tim shook his head and followed her.

Artemis sat up. "Man.... that guy was strong...."

"Yeah." Mikoto agreed. "And you could tell he wasn't even trying."

"He seems more powerful than any one of the powerhouses in the league." Artemis muttered. "Green Lantern, Red Tornado, Dr. Fate...."

"He definitely has control over gravity." Mikoto stated. "He increased it so we couldn't get up, and that shock wave thing he was doing....... I'm still to dazed to think properly, but I know for a fact it had something to do gravity."

"Remember what's his face?" Artemis asked. "The one that attacked us when we were in the dimension where we were fiction?"


"You could tell he wasn't part of The View. That means they must be hiring criminals with a grudge against the Justice League. And Ivo was working with them too."

Mikoto nodded. "That can't be good." she said. "They could hire anyone.... Poison Ivy, Mad Mod, Dr. Light, Klarion, Joker....."

"I hope not the Joker." Beast Boy piped up. "He's crazy..... and trust me, Jason will go berserk."

"How come?" Artemis asked. 

Beast Boy bit his lip. "It's not my place to say.

Meanwhile, in the control room, Elena was talking non stop.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum