Whatever Helps You Sleep At Night

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"The-The View?" Mikoto choked out. Brick was about to say something else, when she heard a whistling sound.

Mikoto jerked her head back, but the poison dart wasn't aiming at her.

It hit it's target, though: Brick's neck.

"No!" Mikoto screamed as the villain's eyes rolled back into his head as the poison entered his system. She quickly ripped it out before it could do any permanant damage.

As she set him on the bridge, Mikoto looked in the direction the dart had came from, and with her advanced eyesight, saw a girl with short blond hair watching her. The girl waved.

Mikoto jumped off the bridge, leaving a crater in the cement from her momentum. She launched herself in the direction of the building- Walgreens -and propelled herself through the air at the sniper.

 Mikoto finally spotted the girl leaping from building to building at great speeds. Narrowing her eyes, Mikoto sent a powerful blast of lightning from her bangs at the girl, who managed to stop short right before the bolt hit her.

The girl looked up at her and grinned. "Nice to see you!" she said cheerfully. Mikoto clenched her fist.

"DON'T ACT LIKE EVERYTHING'S ALL NICE AND DANDY!" she yelled. "You just tried to kill someone!" 

The girl sighed. "Yes, that is why I'm called an assasin." she said nonchalantly, leaning on a phone booth. (That was mysteriously on top of Walmart) Mikoto's eye twitched.

"SHUT UP!" she yelled as another bolt of lightning at the girl, who leapt, once again, out of the way. The girl smiled.

"Let me explain, before you foolishly try to electrocute me again." The girl said. "My name is Akiye Fukui.....and you might as well surrender now.

A spark flew from Mikoto's bangs. "That's not really explaining...." she muttered darkly. Akiye glared at her.

"The reason for your ultimate defeat," she continued. "...is this." she held up an armoured silver gauntlet. 

"Now, before you underestimate it," Akiye said before Mikoto could comment. "It's much stronger than it looks.....I can contact anyone in any of the dimensions....and bring them here, obeying only to me."

Mikoto's eyes widened. That means she could bring in anyone for me to fight! She thought. Superman, Kanzaki....even Accelerator! 

"It's not magic." Akiye said. "I'm not quite sure what it is....I can use it, though, even with my esper ability...."

Akiye raised her arm into the air. "Saiai Kinuhata." she murmured, and there was a white flash of light from the gauntlet, and a loud BEEP.

When the light faded out, there was a young girl in an orange hoodie standing on the roof with them. Saiai looked around, her eyes widened. "What the- where am I?!" she asked.

Akiye smiled. "That dosen't matter," she said. "Just defeat her." Saiai looked at Mikoto.

"R-Railgun?" she gasped. "This is super weird!" Akiye glared at her.

"I SAID DEFEAT HER!" Akiye yelled, and Saiai winced. 

"Fine, fine...." Saiai extended her arm to Mikoto, running forward. Mikoto, knowing what would happen, jumped into the air to avoid the blow. Saiai's widened further.

"You can fly?" she asked. Then she shook her head. "Whatever..." Saiai touched the phone booth, and sent it flying at the Kryptonian.

Mikoto outstretched her own hand and caught it. Saiai's eyes flew open. (again)

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now