Soul Ocean

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"So, here's the plan," Saten began. "Damian will hack the security protocols-if there are any- before we even touch that Zeta device."

"That's not much of a plan, it's more of an order." Mikoto crossed her arms over her chest.

"Does it matter?" Saten asked as she glared at her friend.

Mikoto was silent.

Saten nodded.

Damian had set to work hacking into the Zeta Machine, and Saten and Aiki had turned to watch.

"So, Nao," Mikoto began as she looked to her right, where the boy was standing. "Is your power like mine, or something different?"

"Well.. I can generate lightning, like you, but I still do something different." Nao replied. "I don't railgun.. instead I have an electromagnetic field acting like some sort of armor over my skin.
Bullets can't seem to penetrate it as long as I have enough power left. I can focus all of the armor on one point on my body if I half to, you know, if there's enough force that it could past my regular one. I call it Knight Lightning."

"Knight Lightning?"

"Like a night light..? Knight Lightning?"

"Ahhh.. I get it." Mikoto said as she rested her finger on her cheek in thought. "It isn't clever word play, like Accelerator, from particle accelerator, or Meltdowner. No, you named it after your signature move, like I did. But you still added wordplay, just like Gunha did with Attack Crash." Nao chuckled.

"You put a bunch of thought into it, but yeah, that's pretty much the gist."

"Alright, let's check this out." Damian announced as he crouched by the device, typing something rapidly on the computer that was wired into his glove. "Okay.. this thing has Zeta radiation, no doubt about that, but it seems it also has some sort of stress increasing rays.. not sure what for, but..."

"Guys, we have company." Aiki said suddenly as she flipped her communicator shut. "3:00."

Damian readied his sword as Saten raised her AK. Elena balled up her fists, Aiki pressed a red hot iron to her head, instantly setting her body temperature to 400 degrees. (She could survive because her ability allowed her to be immune to temperatures cooler 500 or hotter than -60)

Mikoto and Nao both raised a massive tornado of iron sand abover their heads, while Jessica stood with her hands in her pockets, her blue eyes, as usual, bored.

Mikoto could hear footsteps. Lots of them. Pounding over the desert sand like a herd of buffalo.

They were the stupid aliens, Mikoto could tell that much. But.. were they.. smaller?

As if in answer to her question, thousands of three foot tall green aliens with cat like red eyes stormed over one of the sand dunes, each one letting out fierce war crys.

"Kroloteans!" Daamian snarled. Mikoto didn't have time to ask what they were, because they were already directly in front of them.

Saten fired her gun, taking out the first row with a round of bullets. Aiki darted forward, smashing her hand into one of the Krolotean's faces, melting it.

Elena's arms ignited. "WING ATTACK OF THE FIRE DRAGON!" she yelled as she sliced her arms over two of the aliens, sending a group of them flying.

Jessica raised her hand, and twitched her fingers. A wave the size of a small tsunami flooded over the Kroloteans, washing away a few hundred of them. She directed the water to pass around the group completely.

Mikoto and Nao sent their tornado of iron towards the Kroloteans, smashing hundreds of them and encasing others of the same ammount.

Damian raised his sword, and pushed the button at the base of the hilt. As he did, small transparent wires shot out of the sword, slicing the aliens they happened to touch. He swung the sword in an arc, moving the wires further and cutting more of the bastards.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now