Lasers, They've Got Lasers!

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After Elena had sent Natsu back to his dimension, Saiai had been sent back to her's, and Akiye had been tied up by Artemis, the five were waiting back at the time machine.

" how are we going to fit her in?" Artemis asked, yanking on the rope that was binding Akiye, who was unconscious.

 "Let's stuff her in a sack and then get a hammer-" Elena started to say, before Damian stomped on her foot. 

"No." he said. "Just- let Artemis hold her."

"Why me?"

"Your the responsible one, other than me."

"I'm responsible!" Mikoto broke in.

"Sure...." Damain and Artemis said in sync.

"That girl was pretty powerful." said Elena as she poked Akiye with her foot.

"Yeah," Mikoto agreed, ignoring the comment about responsibility. "She was way beyond a Level 4's power."

"Wonder why."

"Let's get in." Artemis said as she dragged Akiye in the time machine. "I wanna get rid of her as soon as possible."


"Are we there?" Elena asked as she watched the multitude of colors swirl by them from the window.

"Almost." Damian replied. "We have to go over a few the one that will remember my mission, and not simply you three dissapearing."


"She's starting to wake up." Artemis said, pointing to Akiye, who was still unconsious, laying beside her feet.

Damian kicked her in the head again.

"Well, that worked." Mikoto muttered, yanking at the bottom of her shorts.

"Here we are." Damian declared, and the machine jerked forward as he stopped. "Now, before we get out, you might want to ready to fight........."

"Fight? Why?" Artemis asked, taking out her bow as a tiny spark of flame appeared on Elena's raised fists.

Damian didn't answer, just pushed a button, and the seats and floor dissapated beneath them.

Mikoto stayed in the air, watching as her friendsgrappled to nearby buildings. 

"So why did you freaking throw us out of the time machine?!" she demanded, gliding to where Damian was.

The Boy Wonder didn't answer, just pointed down. 

Mikoto followed his gaze, and her own eyes widened as she saw the Gavatticans. "Oh..."

"Let's get 'em!" Elena yelled, and jumped out of the tree, a trail of flame blooming behind her. 

 Damian cursed under his breath as he leapt out of the tree as well to help.

Artemis and Mikoto exchanged glances, before following their friends.

Elena delivered fiery punch after fiery punch to one of the aliens, uintil she was knocked off and slammed into a tree. Damian had drop-kicked another, and was now fending off their claws with his bo-staff.

Artemis shot an explosive arrow at the one about the jump on Elena, but when it hit it, the Gavattican split into two of itself.

"What the hell?!" Mikoto yelled. Damian looked at her out of the corner of his eyes.

"That's why we haven't stopped them!" he explained. "They have the hydra effect! Everytime you kill one of them, two more take it's place!"

"Is there a way to kill them?" Mikoto asked, before one of the Gavatticans raised their staff-like guns.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now