Good Boy With The Bad Girl

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In the bushes..... watching as Mikoto entered the zet-tube..... there was a girl.

She was about 19, with long scarlet hair, a black jumpsuit equiped with a large Japanese katana, and icy blue eyes. This girl, Roxanne Mazebelle, was second in command to the leader of The View, and second-class Lord Of Chaos.

She had watched as Mikoto fought the Gavatticans in St. Louis.

And she was watching her now. 

Mikoto and The Red Hood were battling a group of the aliens north of Nebraska. They were winning, obviously, but suddenly one broke away. "I'll get it, you look for more!" Mikoto yelled as she shot off into the sky after it.

Red Hood cursed at her dissapearing figure, before tapping a button on his helmet. His eyeholes glowing red, the viliginate started walking through the forest.

Roxanne silently got up from her position in an oak tree, and leapt to the next, following him. Being a Lord of Chaos, her silence was almost that of a shadow, never making a sound. Mikoto hadn't noticed her, and neither would this brute.

The reason Roxanne was going after The Red Hood and not Super Railgun herself, was because the boss had told her to 'take out her friends'. Roxanne guessed that he just wanted to fight the Kryptonian himself. But that didn't bother her. Roxanne loved a good fight.

That reason alone was why, deliberately, Roxanne ruffled some of the leaves. Immeadiately, Red Hood's head flicked over to her position, and Roxanne saw him bring a switch blade out from his jacket.

Chuckling, Roxanne jumped down from the tree. Red Hood tightened his grip on the blade.

"And you are?" he asked gruffly. Roxanne smiled, her eyes lighting up. Not answering, she brought her katana out from it's sheathe. Red Hood narrowed his eyes uneasily: he wasn't sure what this girl was capable of.

Placing it out in front of her, the katana began to glow red. Red Hood jumped back, narrowly avoiding the deadly laser that landed in the spot he had been. Roxanne grinned.,

"My name is Roxanne, Second Class Lord Of Chaos!" she said, another laser firing from her sword. Once again, Red Hood leapt out of the way.

"Lord of Chaos, eh?" he said. "Like Klarion?" Roxanne laughed. 

"Oh, please! That little runt! He's fifth class, not near as powerful as I am!" she bragged. "I'm just here for a good fight!"

"Oh really?" Red Hood asked. "Don't get me wrong, you seem like someone who likes to battle........but I think your hear 'cause your with The View....... aren't you?"

Roxanne said nothing, just sighed as her katana stopped glowing. "So you got me..... oh well! I'll go easy on you at first..... I'm not in the mood for a fast fight....." 

She darted forward, swinging her sword down in an arc. Red Hood dodged, somehow, and brought out two glocks from his belt. He jumped backwards as Roxanne swiped at him again, firing the guns as he did so. 

Roxanne blocked the bullets with her sword, before once again going in for a death blow. Red Hood did a back handspring over it, before bringing out a sharp knife, one that could cut through Batman's cables like butter. 

Dodging another blow, Red Hood finished the turn and swung his knife at Roxanne's forehead. The girl ducked, before jumping backwards. "Okay," she said as her sword charged up with red light, catching on fire. "Let's take it up a level!" She once again swung her sword at him, but this time Red Hood blocked it with the glock. 

"I'm impressed, that thing holding against my sword?"

"It's a mix of titanium and steel." Red Hood jumped back, firing another round at her. Roxanne blocked the bullets again, before shooting out a red flame at him. Red Hood's eyes widened as the flame exploded on impact with his feet, launching him into the sky.

Red Hood said some very inappropriate things, before he grappled to another tree. He jumped down on to the shoulders of Roxanne, taking out a knife, aout to stab into her skull.

"Not gonna happen, Boy Blunder." Roxanne said, grabbing his forearms and throwing him off of her. " I think it's time we go to Level 3.........." Her sword glowed with a mix of black and red light, before morphing into a molten sythe, red flames shooting off it.

"How many levels are there?" Red Hood asked. Roxanne smiled.

"22." she said. "But enough about me...... why was one of the Robins about to kill someone?" Red Hood narrowed his eyes.

"Because." he growled. "I'm not a Robin!"

"If you say so." Roxanne said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, let's see if you can get past THIS!"

She jumped into the air, raised her sythe abover her head, and swung it at Red Hood in a deadly arc. Red Hood jumped out of the way, coughing as he got up. 

"What's wrong?" Roxanne asked with mock sympathy. "Broken rib?" She stabbed her sythe into the ground, and cracks appeared from where it broke the surface, lengthening until it go to where Red Hood was. 

"Crap." he muttered as he grappled to a tree in the nick of time: Lava shot up into the air from the cracks.

"This isn't as good a fight as I hoped." Roxanne sighed as her sythe rested over her shoulders, her arms thrown casually across. "Would have been much funner if you had powers of somethin'......."

"Well I do!" A voice yelled, and someone who resembled Kuroko Shirai teleported down on to Roxanne's head.

A 21-year old Kuroko stood there, in a red jacket and black skirt, with black fingerless gloves. She had her hair down her back in a braid.

Roxanne laughed. "Please! You think you can beat me, teleporter?"

Kuroko didn't answer, just brought out a knife, and teleported it into Roxanne's brain, who fell down without another word.

Red Hood breathed a sigh of relief. Until Roxanne cracked up again.

"HAHAHAHA!! Man, I LOVE to do that!" she leapt to her feet, and Kuroko faded away. "Give the victim hallucinations of safety.....and then, that face happens." she pointed at Jason, who's jaw was hanging open, though you couldn't see it. But Roxanne could tell what it looked like underneath.

Roxanne's eyes flashed to something above him, and jumped into the tree. "See you!" she said, kissed Red Hood's helmet, and jumped backwards. In the air, she dissolved into red and black flame, before the flame dyed out.

"That was awesome!" Elena cackled from where she was in the tree. Red Hood looked up, and swore.

"How long were up there?!" he snarled. Elena grinned.

"I saw the lava light-show thingie, and now I ship Jassanne!" she declared, putting a fist over her heart.

Red Hood's eye twitched. "W-what?"

"You know, the good boy with the bad girl?"



Mikoto had fried the Gavattican, and now was taking a walk through the forest back to Red Hood thinking about what Damian said. Were they just a story? Written by a girl sitting at her computer silently worrying about when her movie was going to come in the mail? (XD Yes. Indeed.)

She was still wondering about the mysteries of the universe, when she came to the clearing she left Red Hood in, and her jaw dropped at the sight of Jason chasing Elena around pools of lava with a knife and a hand gun.

A/N: Hello, my minions! >:3 How's your week been? Mine wasn't that great. On the bright side, me and my crush had an interesting conversation about inventions! XD You had to be there. 

To The Right: OP Theme, and a Mikoto/template picture.

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