Like Spaghetti?

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"L-Level 6?" Elena exclaimed, her eyes widening. "But that's impossible!" Jessica shrugged.

"And yet, here I am." she said nonchalantly.

"Why are you so shocked about her being a Level 6?" Damian asked. "Your a Level 5, what's the difference?"

"Level 6 are ultra powerful!" Elena replied. "Mikoto can't even control herself when she goes into Level 6 form! She even grows black tendrils!" Damian frowned.

"Like spaghetti?'

Mikoto and Saten both walked out of the office. Mikoto had a confused look on her face, while Saten looked absolutely furious.

"Why the hellis my headquaters soaked in water?!" she yelled as she trembled in fury.

Everybody looked at Jessica, who sighed

"I wouldn't have had to do it if Flame Brain over here hadn't tried to start a forest fire." She jerked her head towards Elena.

"And I wouldn't of had to do it if that thing hadn't insulted Natsu Dragneel!" Elena huffed as she jerked her head in the direction of the teleporter.

"Uh, Saten, you should calm down." Mikoto said as she patted her friend's shoulder awkwardly. "I mean, weren't we going to go out and search for The View?"

Saten nodded. "Of course." She muttered. Then she spoke louder. "Jessica, Aiki, Nao, Elena, Damian! You five, come with Mikoto and I."

"Why?" Damian asked.

"I will answer that afterwards." Saten replied stiffly. "But for now... Lacey!" A girl with long blonde hair whirled around and saluted Saten. "Get Damian a sword."

"Yes, ma'am!" Lacey replied as she raises her hand. As she did, the air around her fingers rippled, as if she was distorting it. Then, she morphed a long, black katana, and handed it to Damian.

"What kind of power is that?" Mikoto asked.

"She can manipulate the molecules around her." Saten explained. "She mutates them, morphing anything she wishes."

"So... It's a type of psychokinesis?" Saten nodded.

"I approve." Damian said as he inspected the sword.

"If you push the button as the base of the hilt," Lacey began. "Small wires will shoot out if it... like laser security, almost... It'll cut the enemies and make them bleed! A lot!" She grinned. (Yes, this sword was inspired by Kanzaki's)

"Anyway," Saten shifted her gaze to Mikoto as she gestured to the girl known as Aiki, who looked about twelve with fiery red hair and dark brown eyes. "This is Aiki Smith, Level 4 Thermal Hand."

"Thermal Hand?" Mikoto muttered. "That sounds familiar..."

"That's because Uiharu has that power." Saten explained. "But Aiki is much more powerful... All she has to do is touch sonething, and her entire body will remain that temperature for as long as she can concentrate."

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Misaka." Aiki greeted.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Artemis, who had been silent up to this point, asked skeptically.

"Stay here and guard." Saten answered in the same tone.

Artemis scowled, but decided to stay silent.

"Where are we going?" Jessica asked, her blue eyes bored. 

"Where Uiharu found that odd zeta radiation." Saten replied. 

"Nobody ever told us where that was located." Aiki pointed out.

"And nobody ever will. You'll see when we get there."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now