The Mask Makes The Girls Wonder

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Mikoto yawned, stretching as she got up. Looking around, she half expected to be back in her Tokiwadai dorm, before everything that had happened in the past two months came crashing back down. She put her head in her hands.

"Perfect...." she muttered. "First the creepy zombie aliens....."

She slowly rose out of her makeshift bed in the Watchtower, pushing the button on her wall, making the door slide open.

"Come on, Damian, say it!" She heard Dick's voice from one of the room. She recognized it as the 'kitchen' as people called it (It was really just a place with a table and a microwave that teleported any food you wanted).

"Don't be ridiculous, Grayson, I am not going to say some childish, old fashioned sentence such as that." Damian, who was in a gray hoodie, snorted. Dick nudged him in the shoulder, holding a stack of waffles in his hand.

"Calm on, Littlewing! Three little words."


"You can do it. I'll say it with you. 'Holy waffles, Batman!'"

"I refuse."

Dick huffed. "You're not a true Robin then!" he declared.

Damian's gaze slid over to Mikoto. "Grayson, your girlfriends here."

"Girlfriend." Mikoto yelled, her face growing steamy red. "I-I'm not anybody's girlfriend!"

Dick smacked Damian in the back of the head. "Shut it."

"Morning." Artemis said as she walked into the kitchen in a blue t-shirt and sweat pants.

"Good morning." Dick, Mikoto, and Damian said simultaneously.

"Oh, and Mikoto," Dick began. "Maybe, you want to use your memorial?"

"I have a memorial?" Mikoto asked with a raised eyebrow. "That's.....interesting."

"Let's go." he said as he got up and walked to the door.

Mikoto blinked. "Ummm..... okay then."


"Wait- this is where my memorial is?" Mikoto asked asked Dick as they entered a large, dimly lit room.

"Yeah," her friend replied. "Every hero that's died is down here.....Blue Beetle, and some other heroes that I won't mention or let you look at since your going back to the past after this is all over."

"You talk alot."

"I'm aware."

There were holographic projections of people Mikoto didn't recognize standing atop of podiums, with their hero name and date of death on the plaque. However, the reason she didn't recognize them could be that Dick had his hand in front of her eyes and she only saw flashes of color between his fingers. Blue, green, red....

"Here we are!" Dick said as he removed his hand and let Mikoto see her own memorial. She gasped. It was her, but she seemed somewhat older, as she was taller and her hair was down below her shoulder blades, in a side braid. She had her Tokiwadai uniform on, but there was the 'S' flat across her chest, in lightning-like lines. She had her domino mask on, and combat boots. Apparently, Future-Mikoto decides not to wear the other things.... She had Kuroko's lightning necklace on, and she had her hands on her hips and her chin jutting out.

Mikoto clutched her own necklace as she felt a wave of homesickness flood over her. "It's nice." she said quietly. Dick sighed and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"I know everything is different and hard. But try to stay whelmed."

Mikoto looked up at him. "You never explained what 'whelmed' meant."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book Two; The Time TravelerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora