Chapter Nineteen.

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Yoongi walked down the street staring down at the sidewalk as the sun began to set.

It had been 8 months since Lee's passing, Yoongi couldn't seem to move on. He sighed.

"Babe stop! You're spilling the drink!" Yoongi looked up as he heard a voice. He stared at the couple from across the street. It was a tall young man and a young woman the size of Lee standing there laughing.

Yoongi felt his throat tighten as he couldn't help himself but to think of the memories him and Lee use to share.

"Yoongi stop!" Lee yelled as she laughed, Yoongi chuckled as he continued to kiss her lips, then her cheeks, then her chin, then every where on her face.

Lee pushed Yoongi away as they both sat laughing. "You're crazy." Lee mumbled, Yoongi smiled as he stared at Lee.

Yoongi and Lee just met each other 4 months ago. Lee was a freshman in college and Yoongi worked at the electronic store.

Yoongi felt so happy now that he had a girlfriend, he was already so in love with Lee but he was scared to tell her. He was unsure if she had felt the same way.

"Babe? You there?" Lee whispered, Yoongi nodded chuckling, Lee smiled as she stared at the male.

"I love you." Lee whispered, Yoongi's eyes widened as he stared at her, she bit her lip nervously.

"Ar-are you serious?" Yoongi mumbled, Lee nodded. Yoongi felt a huge smile flash across his face. Lee realized and smiled.

"I love you too, so damn much." Yoongi grabbed Lee's face before kissing her, she kissed back instantly.

Yoongi felt a tear drizzle down as he hurriedly wiped it before walking away.


Taehyung laid in bed as he stared at the ceiling, he sighed rolling over grabbing his phone.

Jungkook's trial ended today, was he going to be sentenced or not? Taehyung could only hope Lee could finally gain her peace. And, he could gain closure.

He sat up as he started to get ready for lunch with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. He got dressed and headed to the restaurant.

As Taehyung walked in he seen the other males waiting for him at the table. He waved before walking up and sitting down.

"Hey." Jimin said, Taehyung mumbled a 'hey' back.

It was quiet as the males sat there. Yoongi stared at Jimin before bitting his lip.

"Uh, today is the day-"

"I know." Taehyung mumbled, cutting off Yoongi. Yoongi nodded. Jimin stared at Taehyung sighing.

"Why'd you come Taehyung? Did you come to just act mad?" Jimin asked the other male, he stared at Jimin before shaking his head.

"Taehyung we all are still grieving, it's almost been a year and we still cannot get past it, you're not alone, but you also don't have to take your anger out on us. I witnessed it, Hoseok lost his best friend, was deceived by him, and Yoongi lost his- his soul mate...." Jimin mumbled as he looked over at Yoongi.

Yoongi gulped, Taehyung looked down. "She was the only one that truly knew me, she was the only family member that cared." He whispered as his voice cracked.

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