Chapter One.

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Taehyung quietly studied his scientific reasearch on the human anatomy as time ticked by, his college classes felt like hours of long boring work to him but he still followed his dreams and heart and that was to become a doctor

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Taehyung quietly studied his scientific reasearch on the human anatomy as time ticked by, his college classes felt like hours of long boring work to him but he still followed his dreams and heart and that was to become a doctor.

A pediatrician to be exact, he loved children. He always wanted to live on the beach with his wife and 5 kids, he still wants that to happen but as of right now. Taehyung had to focus on getting his PhD.

The bell ringed loudly as everyone left their seats and walked out the classrooms door, but Taehyung was so focused he did not even realize the loud ring that dismissed everyone. His attention was directed finally towards a loud cough. Taehyung darted his head up to look around and see no one in sight except for Professor Lee. The professor coughed again making Taehyung shoot up grabbing his books in a hurry and scurrying to the door but not before his professor spoke.

"I've never seen anyone like it, like you. Taehyung your really special but, I don't get it." The professor said, Taehyung turned around confused. "What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

Professor Lee stared at Taehyung, the air contained a thick tension between the two. Taehyung never really liked Professor Lee just because he was a narcissistic ass hole, but Taehyung was left quite dumbfounded when he decided to talk to him.

"You are so.... So determined to become a doctor but.... Taehyung, your barely passing. Your a hopeless case."

Taehyung was dumbfounded, did he just- did his professor just call him a hopeless case?! Taehyung scoffed before turning around on his heels and walking out the door but definitely not forgetting to slam it.

Taehyung stormed down the hall, his professors words lingering in his head. That's why he did not like him, Taehyung was upset. His grades were not the best but for his professor to tell him that he is a hopeless case, he was dumbfounded.

Taehyung walked outside seeing his bestfriend waiting for him by the study tree (where everyone studies). Jimin looked over and smiled waving. Taehyung sighed before walking closer over to his friend, Jimin instantly could tell something was wrong with Taehyung.

"Hey.... Are you okay?" Jimin asked, "No." Taehyung replied back angry. Jimin cocked one of his eyebrows up waiting for it, 1, 2, and 3.

"I just- It's my professor he's such a ass hole! He called me a hopeless case! A fucking hopeless case!" Taehyung yelled, Jimin chuckled before tilting back onto the tree.

"Are you serious? You are that upset over a guy calling you a hopeless case? Girls beg me to fuck them on the daily but I have to tell them I have a girlfriend!" Jimin yelled, Taehyung rolled his eyes, "That is totally different." He whispered, Jimin scoffed before walking away.

Taehyung followed Jimin until they were at the food court. Jimin grabbed a tuna sandwich while Taehyung grabbed 2 corn dogs. The food to choose from was amazing. The two boys walked over to a table and sat down eating. Taehyung rolled his eyes when he heard a light voice call out for Jimin.

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