Chapter Sixteen.

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Jimin ran to the back on the shed as Jungkook laughed, Lee coughed up blood as she laid on the ground. Jungkook stepped over her as he cornered Jimin.

"Where's Taehyung." Jimin asked calmly, Jungkook laughed.

"He's in the dorm room tied up. Where else would he be?" Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as he ran past Jungkook. Jungkook sighed swinging the crowbar into the back of Jimin's leg causing him to fall.

"Fuck!" Jimin yelled out. Jungkook giggled as he walked over to Jimin.

"You should've just stayed out of our business, you wouldn't be here if you would've kept quiet. As for Lee, she's a loud ass bitch, she deserves to die." Jungkook yelled out laughing, Jimin cried as he crawled to Lee. Lee rolled over spitting out blood as Jungkook reached down and grabbed her hair pulling the rest of her into the shed shutting the door behind him.

Jimin closed his eyes as he heard the metal bar bash against her face, Jimin cried out as he realized his fate.

All he could think of was Hoseok and Taehyung.

Jungkook picked up Lee's lifeless body as he threw her over to where Jimin was laying, Jimin flinched opening his eyes.

Jimin screamed as he seen Lee's face, she was unrecognizable. She was was covered in blood and her jaw was broken.

Jimin closed his eyes dragging himself away as his hand landed on Jungkook's boot. Jimin shook his head yelling 'no' as Jungkook grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him up.

Jimin shoved Jungkook away causing him to fall back onto the ground, Jimin sat up slowly as he stood up limping to the sheds entrance.

Jimin opened the door as he hurriedly closed it, he limped to the road as he yelled out for help.

Tears were streaming down his face as he reached the road, Jimin looked over staring at his vehicle. He smiled sadly as he hurried over to it.

Jimin got into the car, pulling the keys out from his pocket as he looked over seeing Jungkook walk towards the car, Jimin placed the key into the ignition before starting the car and driving off.

Jungkook yelled throwing the crowbar down before rubbing his eyelids aggressively.

"Fuck, no this can't be happening." Jungkook yelled out before falling to the ground, Jungkook hit the ground with his fist as he screamed.


Jimin arrived back at the dorms, limping into the hallways to go to Taehyung's dorm.

Hoseok walked down the hallway looking for Jimin as he seen the male limping the other way. Hoseok's eyes widened as he ran towards him.

"Jimin! What- what happened?" Jimin turned around quickly, he hugged Hoseok tightly crying into his shoulder.

"Hoseok, Hoseok we have to help Taehyung, Lee she's dead! Jungkook killed her!" Jimin cried out, Hoseok stared at Jimin confused.

"Wait what? What are you saying?"

"Hoseok! Lee, she's dead. I got a message from Taehyung saying to meet him somewhere I went and it was Jungkook and Hoseok he killed her!" Jimin cried out falling to the ground, Hoseok's heart rate fastened as he pulled Jimin up.

"Taehyung is apparently in the dorm, we need to go get him!" Jimin yelled, Hoseok nodded before helping Jimin get to the dorm room.

Jimin grabbed the door knob realizing it was locked, Hoseok kicked the door breaking the lock as they walked in seeing Taehyung laying on his back.

Jimin fell down crawling to Taehyung removing the rag from his mouth, Taehyung coughed out breathing heavily.

"Jimin. Jungkook is trying to kill me, we need to leave." Taehyung said panicked.

Jimin nodded untying the male, Taehyung stood up hugging Jimin as Jimin hissed from his leg.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, Jimin shook his head grabbing Taehyung's hand leading him to the door.

"My cars parked out front, we can get to the police station." Hoseok said, the other males nodded as they hurriedly left the dorms.


Taehyung and Jimin sat at the police officers desk telling them what had happened. Jimin told the police his story as Taehyung sat with Hoseok on the side.

"I need to call Lee." Taehyung whispered, Hoseok stared at Taehyung as he sat there eyes closing.

Hoseok put his hand around Taehyung's shoulder as Taehyung fell asleep placing his head on the others shoulder.

Jimin walked over to the two males tears welled in his eyes.

"The cops are on their way to the shed, and if he's not there they'll continue to search." Jimin said quietly, Hoseok nodded.

"What about Lee?" Hoseok mumbled, Jimin shook his head remembering what had just happened a few hours ago.

Jimin sat down beside Hoseok as Taehyung was on the other side.

It was night and each of the boys were asleep in the chairs as they've had a very long and traumatizing day.


Yoongi sighed as the phone continued to go to voicemail.

"Answer the phone damnit, Lee." Yoongi sighed staring over at the clothes she has left at his house laid there.

It went to voicemail again, he sighed tossing his phone on his couch. He sat down on the couch rolling his eyes.

'Why would she ignore me? We ended on good terms I thought.' He asked himself.

Yoongi sighed grabbing his tv remote and turning the tv on.

The channel was the news, Yoongi watched as the weather man pointed to the forecast.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before grabbing his remote until a warning was sent out in the tv.

"Hello, the police are on the search for a man by the name Jungkook Jeon for the murder of Lee Kim, a young woman in her early-twenties. If you have seen this man please contact the local police station. Thank you."

Yoongi's heart stopped, Yoongi stared at the tv confused, Lee Kim? His Lee Kim? No maybe it was just a weird coincidence.

Yoongi grabbed his phone dialing Taehyung, it went to voicemail.

"Fuck." Yoongi whispered, tears filling his eyes.

Hi guys, this story will be coming to an end soon, I'm sorry if the story is seeming rushed, but nonetheless I hope you all have enjoyed the latest chapters and enjoy the upcoming ones.<3

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