Haunting Memories

Start from the beginning

"Oh" Chase nodded, "I'm fine. Don't worry about it"

Bing didn't look convinced but waved it off for now, "Alright, alright. Ya wanna go get some breakfast? I think it's your turn to film today again. Dark's probably already ready by now"

"Hm" Without another word, Chase got up and got ready. He wasn't really a morning person but he'd do pretty much anything Sean asked of him. Even get up early for a few lines and depressed acting.

Vaguely he wondered when Anti's part would come in but he guessed that not even Sean knew.

Mark had just bluntly asked that first night, although it was presumably Dark's idea. Sean didn't have a prepared part for him yet. Chase sort of felt bad about that for him but visions of his nightmare returned to him and he no longer cared.

He knew he'd be pissed, too, if Sean gave HIS part to Jameson or somebody but Anti's situation was different. He fucked everything up with them. It as his own fault.

Then again Marvin really wasn't the bad-guy type. If anyone fit that role perfectly, it was Anti, he had to admit.

'Ugh stop making excuses for him, Chase' he told himself.

He admitted to himself that he probably had changed to a degree and was doing better here with the Ipliers. But he just  couldn't forgive him for what he did to him and his family.

His kids were scared of the TV for months after that and that was the last straw for Stacey.

And Chase blamed Anti, of course. His kids didn't deserve that.

Going down stairs with Bing, he saw Anti sitting at the table with Dark as usual. After a week of living with them, he noticed a lot of things and that as at the top of the list. Dark and Anti were best friends. In a way, Chase was almost jealous. Him and Bing used to be that close but of course he noticed a rift between them lately. Chase just wasn't his usual happy go-lucky self and Bing cared for Anti like a brother. Chase didn't like that but he accepted that of his friend.

Anti looked up from his plate to see him and visibly swallowed before looking away and playing with his food.

Chase noticed Anti would do little things like this when he entered the room and he couldn't explain how it made him feel. On one end, he felt bad for making him uncomfortable. On the other, a sort of satisfaction came from it.

"Hey dude, I'll be right with ya" Bing pat his shoulder, "I gotta talk to Anti for a sec. You go get your breakfast, dude"

Chase nodded but watched as Bing sauntered over to the glitch. The two spoke for a few seconds but Chase didn't want to eavesdrop, walking into the kitchen to grab something.

Henrik was in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee and Jameson was fixing his mustache as he waited for some eggs to cook. Eric, Yancy and Host were there, too, fixing up their own meals.

"Ah Chase!" Henrik nodded to him, "You don't look vell. Another bad night?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Something like that" he came over to grab himself a cup of coffee as well, leaning by Henrik for a moment.

The doctor sighed, "You know, we've talked about zhis. I really think you should talk to him about-"

"Stop, Hen." Chase kept him from finishing the sentence.

"But it could help" he continued, "Anti vill listen,  I'm sure"

Chase grit his teeth but before he could respond, the Host broke in the conversation, "Henrik is correct. Anti is very good at listening. The Host believes Anti will understand and want to help Chase with the nightmares he's having of him."

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