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I sat in Johnny's room still holding on to his hand as he laid there unconscious.

I spoke to him, "Look, I know I haven't been there for you lately. But, we're best friends Johnny.

I know you don't feel the same way about me and it's okay. I understand now. You just got to live please."

A knock on the door drove my attention away as I turned around to see Two-bit for the first time.

He ran to me and hugged me tightly saying, "I thought I'd never see you again."

I smiled to him, "It's good to see you to."

He then said, "Your sister is out in the halls looking for you."

I didn't waste another second as I ran out of the room to see Rebecca at the front desk.

I practically jumped in her arms squeezing the life out of her.

She hugged me back and started to cry, "I've missed you, Bella."

I said to her, "I missed you more."

When I stopped hugging her, I felt nauseous.

I covered my mouth as I ran to the nearest trash can and threw everything from Dairy Queen up.

Rebecca grabbed my arm, "When was the last thing you ate something?"

I shrugged wiping off my mouth, "This morning."

She then snapped her fingers, "We need a doctor over here now!"

I pushed her away, "Rebecca, please. I'm fine."

She whispered, "No, you're sick and these doctors here can help you. Don't worry I can afford it."

One doctor showed me to a room as I passed out from sleep deprivation.

The Next Morning

I wake up to doctors, nurses, and needles.

Oh my.

They were all around the bed I was in, and I was so confused.

I am anorexic, so yes I have an eating disorder so why is everyone in here?

One of the nurses sees me awake, "Hunny, you fell asleep last night. Do you remember anything?"

I pushed my brain, "Only you bringing me in here, but that was all."

They called for Rebecca and she came into the room and held my hand.

I sat up worried, "Sis, what's going on?"

She was practically in tears, "The doctors think that they have found something."

I asked, "What something? I am perfectly fine everybody, you can leave."

She stopped me, "No, Bella, it's not that. You're pregnant."

My eyes widened so big I thought they were going to explode.

I shook my head, "No, no, that can't be right. I'm sick because I haven't eaten."

She shook her head, "You're hungry."

The doctor brought me a small portion of food on a plate and said, "Eat up, Bella. You're going to need it."

I looked at the food before me and it smelled so good as my mouth watered.

Oh, no this is not happening.

A Few Hours Later...

I heard a knock on the door as I looked up to see Two-bit walking inside.

I tried to play it cool.

He said, "I couldn't find you, but your sister told me that you would be in here."

I nodded my head, "Yeah, well, here I am."

He confessed, "She told me about your eating disorder. I am so sorry."

"No, Two-bit, I should be the one apologizing. I used you and I'm sorry for playing with your emotions."

He pushed his hand down, "Ahh forget about that. I'm just glad you're okay."

I bit my lip, "Is that all Rebecca told you?"

He looked confused, "Yeah, why?"

Shyly, I confessed to him, "That's not the reason I am in here."

He asked, "What do you mean?"

I buried my head in my hands, "It was a stupid mistake, and I didn't mean for it to happen."

He gently pulled my hands apart and said, "What is it, Bella? You can tell me."

I took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

He was in just as much surprise as I was, "What?!"

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~Stay Gold

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