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Bella's POV

I decided that Ponyboy was right about what he said. I'll never know unless I try.

And since Johnny didn't come home last night that could only mean one thing.

He was staying at the Curtis house for today.

So, I decided to skip school with him.

I wanted to wear my hair up but that burn mark was still on my neck, and I didn't want people to think I got a hickey from someone.

But this will be the perfect time to tell Johnny how I'm feeling at the moment because everyone will be gone.

Plus, we're best friends, and I think he would want me to come to him about it anyways.

When I walked up to the Curtis house, Darry, Soda, and Steve all rushed out leaving for work.

They kissed my foreheads and told me to have a good day.

They are basically family.

I opened the door to see Johnny and Ponyboy sitting up on the couch.

Johnny's mark on his face was just starting to heal into a brand new scar.

Ponyboy said as I walked in, "Hey, Bells, can we walk to school together?"

I shook my head, "Sorry, Pony, but I'm actually going to stay here and take care of Johnny."

He nudged towards the door, "Well, I really have to talk to you before I go."

I looked confused, "Then talk?"

I could tell that he was getting frustrated, but I didn't know what he was getting at.

Finally, he said to me, "You know what I'll see you later. Leftovers are in the fridge if either of you want something to eat."

He knows better than to tell me there's food in the fridge.

He should know by now I'm not gonna eat it.

When he closed the door, I sat down where Pony was originally sitting.

Johnny asked me, "What was that all about?"

I shrugged and said, "I honestly don't know."

It was early this morning, so the sun still hasn't came up all the way.

It was a little dark even by the windows.

I stood up, "So, do you want some soup? I can warm it up for you."

Ugh, I am such a chicken.

Why can't I just tell him that I might like him just a little bit?

Rejection that is why.

Everybody is scared of it, and I just feel like I will get rejected to.

I went into the kitchen warming up a can of chicken noodle soup because I am a chicken.

He says from the living room, "Hey, you know I'm not really that hungry."

Yes, but it is helping me avoid what I am trying to tell you.

However, I am not doing a very good job of it.

I came back in the room with a bowl of soup in one hand and an ice pack in the other sitting back down on the couch again.

I felt his forehead and asked, "How are you feeling today? Dizzy or lightheaded?"

He smiled pushing the ice pack away, "I'm fine. Look, I know you were worried about me last night, but you don't need to be."

I put the bowl of soup down on the table and said, "Well, you didn't see what I saw. I was terrified."

He asked, "Why? You've never been worried about me like that before."

I stood up one last time, "Because lately I've been...I've been feeling different."

I stopped and prepared myself for what I had to say next. He got all quiet as he let me talk.

"And when I saw you passed out with half of your cheek cut open...I don't know okay. I panicked because if you were to die..I don't know how I could.."

I trailed off trying to find the right words.

Nothing I could say would ever be the right thing to say though.

There was no right way to say it.

I started out, "Look."

I then took a deep breath and overcame my fear.

"I like you," I whisper staring down at my shoes, "I was just too scared to admit it."

The darkness surrounded us as he continued to say nothing.

This is absolutely pointless.

I knew I was the only one who felt this way.

Ponyboy was so wrong.

I buried my head in my hands saying, "And now you hate me, and you don't want to be friends anymore."

He finally spoke up, "I had a feeling that you felt this way after I kissed you. Bella, it was an accident though. Being friends is all we've ever been, and I don't want anything to change. I'm sorry that you feel this way but I don't."

I kept my head buried in my hands, so he couldn't see me start to choke up on my own tears that were forming in my eyes.

It was hard to hear this from him.

He was my best friend, and I feel like I just ruined everything.

I could hear him pick up the bowl and say, "Thanks for the soup."

I turned my head to the side where he couldn't see me as I stood up facing the door and said, "I should get going. Don't wanna be late."

I didn't even give him a chance to say anything else as I kept walking.

I was totally prepared to skip school today, but now it's the only thing that will keep my mind busy.

I was upset and maybe even a little hurt over his rejection that it turned my mind crazy for a split second.

I was determined to find Two-bit.

I have decided at this very moment that I am going to take him up on the date he offered me.

Yep, everything I felt before is gone.

It's like in my favorite tv show the vampire diaries how they flip their emotion switch.

I have grabbed my switch and completely pulled it off the wall.

I found him at the football field talking to some cheerleaders before school began.

I pushed the cheerleaders aside and said, "Go away."

I have never ever talked to cheerleaders before.

Two-bit complained, "Bella, come on. Those were cheerleaders."

I asked, "Would you prefer them over me?"

I don't know where this was coming from.

He asked, "What?"

He looked very shocked and just as confused as I was right now.

I looked around us making sure that nobody was around as I said to him, "Kiss me."

He looked into my eyes probably wondering if I was joking but I moved in closer and said it again, "Kiss me."

He didn't even ask me why as he leaned down tilting my head up and kissing me.

He pulled back for a second and whispered under his breath, "Woah."

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I know this chapter is short so I'm sorry!
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~Stay Gold

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