A Cold

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When we got to school, it was like déjà vu all over again.

Everyone was staring at me.

I spotted Two-bit by his locker as he closed it shut looking up at me then turning and walking the other way.

Yep, he was still pissed at me for our fight.

Well, I know one thing is for sure that is I am not going to apologize for it when I was right.

However, I am going to give him his space and hopefully he will be cool by tomorrow.

Someone totally unexpected comes up to me.

Cherry Valance.

"Hey, Bella, listen I know about the whole thing with Bob the other night. Well actually, the whole school knows but anyways. I know how Bob is and I know that you guys didn't do it like he says."

I stood there surprised, "Really?"

She smiled and whispered, "Yeah! Plus, you like Johnny right?"

She giggled as she started walking away.

Of course, everyone thinks I like Johnny now that I'm single.

Ugh, this is so annoying when everyone thinks you like your best friend.

I spotted Bob standing by the teachers lounge with a smoke dangling from his mouth.

I walked up to him, "Bob, a word."

He looked me up and down before getting up and walking away with me.

He looked like a little kid when his mom takes him to the store but tells him not to touch anything.

"What is it, Bella, I don't got all day."

"I just wanted to tell you that I am happy you left me. I was just so blind when I was with you that I didn't see what a lying pathetic piece of shit you really are."

And with that I turned around and walked away.

He said he didn't have all day, so I made my point short and sweet.

Johnny stood there with his mouth hanging wide open as he witnessed the whole thing.

I lightly slapped my hand against his cheek twice, "Alright, Johnnycakes, time to get to class."

The school day dragged by so slow.

In classes with Johnny, he would make me laugh by doing funny faces from across the room.

In the beginning of the school year, all the teachers let us pick out our desks.

However in every single class, Johnny and I have been moved for disruption of the teacher.

Pfff that is not going to stop us from talking or making each other laugh.

We pass notes sometimes or make paper airplanes, or just make funny faces.

At lunch, I sat with him like every other day except this time was different.

People were starting to whisper looking at us.

I may be paranoid and I'm just seeing things, or they're whispering about us.

Either way, I am going to learn to have to ignore them.

We were walking home, "And don't forget the school rules they're important."

Johnny tries making his best Mrs. Taylor impression.

She's our English teacher for the year.

I started laughing at his awful impression, "She can stick those rules right up my ass."

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