Blazing Heat

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The next two weeks in this abandoned old church have not been the best.

My throat has been healing over time, but the marks from his hands are still there.

Every time I close my eyes, I see Bob standing over me closing my airway.

I looked over at Johnny, but all I could see or him now was a killer.

He scared me.

I have never seen Johnny act this way whatsoever and it really scared me.

Two weeks and I haven't said a word to either of them.

Sure, I blamed it all on my throat, but the truth is I have nothing to say to them.

I stay awake at night because I fear my nightmares.

The sun was starting to set and I could hear Ponyboy outside quoting a Robert Frost poem.

I looked out the window at them as I heard my name being brought into it.

Ponyboy said, "So, have you and Bella talked since we got here?"

He shook his head, "No, I don't know what to say to her. Every time I see her looking at me, she looks scared like I'm going to kill her."

Ponyboy asked, "She's just scared being away from the gang and Rebecca that's all. Is that the only reason you haven't talked to her."

Johnny sighed, "No, I saw her black dress hanging in Dal's closet the night we left."

Ponyboy shrugged, "So?"

Johnny replied, "So, I think they slept together, and she didn't tell us."

Ponyboy shook his head, "I would never be able to do that."

Johnny asked confused, "Do what?"

He answered him, "Let the girl I love be in somebody else's arms."

I had heard enough.

I stuck my head back inside and buried my head in my chest and cried my heart out.

It was hard for me to be here and to hear everything he was saying because it was true.

I made a mistake okay.

I let my emotions get in the way.

They both returned back inside to fall back asleep as I stayed awake on the cold hard ground.

It hasn't been fun, but it's been durable.

The worst part was when Johnny made us change up our appearances because of the police.

They would know what we look like.

Ponyboy and I dyed our hair blonde, and Johnny got his cut shorter.

We looked strange.

All of a sudden, I could hear movement outside.

I sat up carefully, and I held the closest object that was around me.

The door opened to reveal it was Dally, but I held the object up in the air.

Dally grabbed it, "Woah, put that down, vamps."

I hugged him almost immediately.

He is the first person I have seen in two weeks, and it felt good.

He woke up the other two and said, "Let's go to Dairy Queen all right. I'll get you guys some hamburgers."

And he did with fries and chocolate milk as well.

Me being anorexic has been doing actually better.

At the church when Johnny brought sandwiches, I would eat more than them two.

I was finally getting normal again.

When driving back, Johnny brings up the idea of turning himself in.

Dally says, "Are you crazy? You can't do that."

I sat there with my head held low not being able to get a word out.

It was just too hard.

They argued the whole drive back and as we were approaching the church we could see the flames rising up it.

The church was on fire.

Ponyboy and Johnny immediately hopped out of the truck and ran towards it realizing there were kids in the building.

Dally looked back at me, "Hey, Bella, don't you even think about it."

I opened my door and got out with them.

If there were kids in danger, then we need to at least try to help them out.

Dally followed me around the back where Johnny and Pony lifted kids off to us one by one.

The heat was rising and the smoke was hurting me as I coughed it up.

As the last kid was given to Dally, he yelled at them both to get out of the building.

Ponyboy got out first with a burnt face as he passed out in the grass.

Dally has to go in after Johnny and pull him out as well.

When they were both out, the church collapsed.

I noticed a huge burn mark was on Dally's arm.

I stayed in the ambulance with Johnny and held his hand the whole way there.

I was scared out of my mind if he would make it or not.

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~Stay Gold

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