Coming Clean

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As I finished getting ready the next morning, Johnny was standing by the road waiting for me.

I was up all night, and I don't even know what to do.

Do I actually like Johnny like that?

We've been friends for so long that I never even stopped to think about it.

We're just friends that's all.

But why did it feel so good when he kissed me?

I am very very confused and conflicted of what to do about it.

I walked outside to him as he pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke.

He says to me, "Morning."

I gave him a small smile but that was it.

He asked me, "Ready to go?"

My heart and mind were racing as I even looked at him. I guess it was true I really did like him.

I never even knew it.

I answered him, "Yeah, I'm ready to go. How did you sleep?"

We began to walk as he shrugged, "Eh, pretty good, what about you?"

I lied, "Good."

This was beginning to be pathetic. Now, we can't even talk to each other.

It was mostly quiet when we got to school.

Everyone was looking at us when we walked in together like always which I was getting very tired of.

I saw Ponyboy by his locker and I decided that it would be best to tell him about it.

I feel like I can trust him.

"Hey, Johnny, I'll see you in class okay?"


As he walked away, I went up to Ponyboy and said, "Alright, we have a major issue."

He smiled at me, "Good morning to you to."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, good morning, now back to the major issue please."

He cocked an eyebrow, "Okay, what's the issue?"

I looked around making sure nobody was around as I whispered, "I think I might like Johnny."

He closed his locker in surprise, "Wait, really? But, you guys are best friends."

No duh we are best friends that's the major issue.

"Yes, I am well aware of that. It happened last night in our tree house. He kissed me."

He pulled me away from the hallway to the janitors closet, "He kissed you!"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, but it was by accident. He went to kiss my cheek and I turned my head. Look, I've been up all night, and I just don't know what to do."

He thought about everything for a minute letting it all sink in on my situation.

He then said to me, "You should just be honest with him. Johnny is a quiet kid alright and who knows maybe he likes you to."

That's where the fairytale ends.

Sure, I would tell him I like him but I just know he wouldn't feel the same way about me.

We've been best friends our entire lives and if he hasn't seen me as girlfriend material by now I don't know if ever will.

However, Ponyboy was right.

You never know unless you try.

If I don't tell him I feel about it now, he will never know.

Is telling him the best choice though?

Won't it ruin our friendship?

I get snapped out of it, "Hello, Bella? The bell just rang we gotta get to class."

He was right all of our classmates were inside the room already.

A few more seconds we would've been tardy.

I looked at Johnny next to me as he gave me and Pony a confused look.

We walked in at the same time, and I'm guessing it looked suspicious to him.

I sat down taking my seat, and I just knew this was already going to be a long day.

Two-bit came around my lunch table mainly just so he could flirt with me.

"Come on, Bella, just one movie. You don't even have to sit beside me if you don't want to."

"Two-bit, I am not going on a date with you end of story."

It was hard enough keeping mine and Johnny's fake dating a secret, but Two-bit coming here flirting with me probably didn't look good at all.

He begged, "Please, Bella, just one date."

My mind was already made up and his constant begging was getting him nowhere.

Finally, somebody came in and saved me from this terrible conversation.

They opened the doors and said, "Everybody come outside quick there's a fight!"

I didn't even feel like going to see a fight, but I was willing to do anything to get out of this situation.

I stood up and started running as he said, "Bella, where are you going?"

I kept running, "There's a fight, and I'm not going to miss it."

He sighed, "We're going to talk about this later."

Yeah, you just keep on thinking that.

I walked out to the football field to see Bob on top of someone punching them over and over.

It was only a matter of time before I realized it was Johnny he was beating up.

Immediately, I pushed Bob off of him and yelled, "Leave him alone!"

Seeing Johnny's bloody face, infuriated me.

He had a nasty wound opened up on his face which came from Bob's rings on his fingers.

I pushed him again and yelled back, "What is the matter with you!"

He rubbed the blood off his face and said, "This greaseball thought he could roll my house last night. Yeah, I saw him."

At this moment in time, I honestly don't know what came over me.

I slapped him right across the face and said, "I was there to! Next time, you wanna jump somebody get your story straight, Sheldon."

He looked like he was going to pound my face in, but he walked away.

I turned my attention back towards Johnny.

He was unconscious.

Soon, Ponyboy and Two-bit found us on the field and said, "We need to take him home now."

I grabbed Johnny's hand as Two-bit carried him away and said, "You're gonna be alright, kid."

I never let go.

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~Stay Gold

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