Late Nights

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"Well, you see the thing is.."

I trail off my sentence as I look over at Two-bit for support, but he smiles at me and shakes his head no.

Ugh, just great.

"Is that um, I was at the school surrounded by a big group of people and I might have let it slip out that we were dating."

He looks confused, "Why would you say that?"

"I don't know okay Bob was there with his stupid friends and I was cornered and I panicked. I'm really sorry."

Steve speaks up, "Hold on a minute, BJ. You told the entire school that you two were dating?"


"And they believed you? I mean come on there's no way Johnny would ever ask you out."

I put my hands on my hips, "And why not?"

"Well, because you guys are best friends. Plus, he doesn't see you like that."

I got down on my knees to beg, "Please, Johnny, keep up the lie for possibly a week."

He rubbed his chin, "Hmm...can I be the one to break up with you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh fine now, do we have ourselves a deal?"

He smiled, "It's a deal."

We shook hands on it as he laughed at me.

Now, we have to pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend in school and in public.

What a week this has been for me.

One week and then all of this drama will be over.

He sits up, "I'm actually feeling better. I'll be good to go to school tomorrow."

I got excited hugging him, "Yess! Thank goodness because today was awful."

Everyone starts leaving the room one by one.

Ponyboy goes up to his room to study, Steve goes to the DX for his shift, and Two-bit is in the kitchen.

Johnny asks me, "Okay, we need a plan for this whole dating thing like what should we do?"

I thought about it, "Well, you can hold my hand in school or put your arm over me like all the other couples do."

"Okay yeah, that could work. Oh! I can also write you notes in class since I never do that either."

"Oh that's perfect! can open doors for me and let me use your jacket when I get cold."

He looked defensive, "Hey now, this is the only jean jacket that I've got. I can't just give it to anyone."

I rolled my eyes.

Of course, Johnny's prized possession would be his Jean jacket. How did I not see that coming?

"But you're right we can make this work."

I nodded my head, "I'm sure we can pull this off."

Absolutely no feelings would get in the way of our friendship, or so I thought.

When it was getting late, we started walking home together.

"Hey, Bella?"

"Yeah, Johnny?"

"I've noticed recently that Two-bit has been really flirty with you lately. Anything I should know about?"

"Of course not, you know Two-bit. He is always flirting with me in fact I think he has a little crush on me."

"Oh really? You should go out with him."

"And why would I do that? I'm fake dating you remember?"

I then smacked him upside the head.

He laughed at me, "Well yeah, but like you guys could go out to the movies where it's dark."

I ask him, "You trying to play Cupid?"

"No, it's just you haven't dated anybody since Bob and we're all thankful that that is over."

I smiled, "Oh yeah, and what about you? You haven't dated anybody around here."

He shrugged, "I'm a greaser. I don't really attract anybody here."

"Hey, give yourself credit you're not a bad looker just haven't found the right one yet."

I gave him an encouraging smile and he returned it back to me.

We both looked up to realize we were standing in front of our houses.

"Well, goodnight, Bella," he said as he started climbing up the ladder to our treehouse.

I grabbed his arm, "You had a cold from spending the night out here. Please, I want you to come inside and sleep on the couch."

"Bella, I don't know-"

I gave him my puppy eyes, "Please."

He took my hand and came down the ladder and followed me inside.

Rebecca was standing in the kitchen, but came to the living room when she heard the door close.

She looked at Johnny, "You keep coming over here, Johnny, we're going to have to get you a bed."

He smiled at her but got all shy.

I hate when he does that, he just stops being sociable as soon as the attention is towards him.

I faced him, "You want anything to eat?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I think I'm just gonna crash but thanks anyways."

"It's no problem. Goodnight, Johnny, I love you."

He smiled, "Goodnight, Bella."

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~Stay Gold

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