Mixed Feelings

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Ponyboy's POV

I was more than happy to see that Johnny was feeling better even though he looked terrible.

The thing with him and Bella has been bothering me all day though.

Why hasn't he told me yet?

Besides her, I am his best friend, and I wish he would have told me this morning like she did.

He eats the last of his soup that I warmed up for him and everyone heads off to bed.

I finally ask him, "So, how was your date last night?"

He shrugged, "It was fine."

I needed to direct him with this from a new angle.

I continued, "Yeah, Bella told me that she had fun."

He looked over at me curiously and said, "She did?"

I nodded my head, "Oh, yeah. She told me that it was one of the best nights she's had."

Okay, I was exaggerating a little bit.

But, I needed him to confess which he did.

He put down his empty bowl of soup and said to me, "After our date, I might have kissed her."

He then waited for a reaction from me as I tried my best to pretend it was the first I was hearing about it.

"No, way. I didn't know you felt that way about her."

He opened his mouth to say something but then he closed it looking down at his shoes.

"What is it, Johnny?"

He sighed, "It's not like that. I didn't mean to do it, it just happened you know?"

This is bad.

I told her to tell him how she feels because he needs to know that she has feelings for him, but now he's telling me it's not like that.

I feel really bad.

Two-bit comes through the door and says, "I just dropped her off, and she is a mess."

Johnny asked, "Really?"

He nodded his head, "Mhm cried right in my arms."

Wow, she really does care for him.

I said to him, "Yeah while you were unconscious, she held your hand the entire time."

That was actually very true.

It was totally obvious that she was worried about him more than the rest of us.

I have never seen her cry, so for her to do that tonight was really big.

I just hope that Johnny sees what an amazing girl she is for him.

Thanks for Reading!
I know this chapter is short so I'm sorry!
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Stay Tuned for More!
~Stay Gold

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