Buck's Bar

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I was wearing a tight short black dress that ran just above my thighs.

I curled my hair and did my makeup perfectly.

Then, I added a few pieces of jewelry to go with my outfit as I put on my black high heels.

The outfit looked more expensive than what it actually cost.

Plus, I look good.

I opened my door back up and saw Rebecca waiting for me on the couch.

She asked, "Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?"

I shrugged, "I'm going out. Deal with it."

Me and my sister have always gotten along, so it probably came as a shock to her to see me like this.

She grabbed my arm, "Dressed like that? I don't think so. Plus, it's a school night."

I pulled my arm away, "I know, but I don't care. I'll do whatever I want."

I then carefully walked to the door trying not to trip over my shoes.

I haven't wore heels in a long time.

I was definitely going to have to get used to them.

Besides, they look great on me.

It's a good thing she didn't try to stop me from leaving the house tonight.

My blood has been boiling so much today that I might actually blow.

This party will definitely help me forget a lot of things hopefully in a good way.

You could hear the music and see the lights from a mile away.

It was definitely open for business tonight.

When I walked in, I scanned the room.

There were drunks, there were dancers, and then there was me.

I sat down at the bar and asked for a shot of whiskey.

I am underage but as long as Buck gets business he doesn't really care.

He handed me a glass of it as I sat alone and he asked me, "You are a greaser right?"

I looked up from my glass and said, "Yeah, what's it to you?"

He shrugged and said, "You look mighty fine to be a greaser."

I knew I wasn't the only one noticing that my appearance looks like a Soc tonight.

I took a shot, "Thanks."

He kept going, "Why don't you hang around for a bit? After everyone is gone, you can come upstairs with me for the night."

His offer meant nothing to me, but I didn't even get the chance to say anything.

A voice from behind me said, "Leave this one alone, Buck, and fix me a drink while you're at it."

I turned my head slowly to see the famous Dallas Winston standing behind me.

Buck left the counter for a few minutes.

Dally sat beside me as I asked him, "Are you serious, Dal?"

He gave me a side smile and said, "Vamps, what are you doing here? It's pretty late."

His voice was hard to hear out of all the music.

I held a hand to the back of my ear and asked, "What?"

He then grabbed my other hand and dragged me up the stair case into one of the many rooms.

He repeated, "I asked what are you doing here."

I pushed him away and said, "Well, I was having fun but you interrupted my good time."

He raised an eyebrow, "And why do you need a good time?"

I sat down on the end of the bed and rubbed my forehead saying, "It's complicated okay? A lot of shit went down, and I was looking to escape it."

He smiled again sitting next to me, "Why come here? Dressed like that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know just needed to get out."

I looked down at my fingers as the whiskey was trying to sit in my stomach.

He made me look up at him by placing his finger under my chin.

"Hey, you look great tonight. I'm not so sure what all happened to you, but I don't want to see you sad."

I looked him in the eyes and realized that he was so close to me.

I could literally feel his breath on my cheeks as he whispered in my ear.

He tucked a strand of my hair back behind my ear and said to me, "Anyways, have a good time."

He got up off the bed, but I grabbed his arm.

I'm just now realizing how muscular Dally really is.

He looked back at me as I whispered, "Stay."

I actually meant it to.

He is the only one right now that hasn't left me or says they don't want me.

He's the only one who enjoys my company and lets me have a little fun.

So, I did whatever it took to get my mind off of both Johnny and Two-bit.

And I did what it took.

He came back to where he was before as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

He locked eyes with me as I stared back into his then he roughly kissed me.

Then, the night was unforgettable.

Literally, unforgettable...

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~Stay Gold

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