My Bad

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I had to walk to school by myself today something that I was not familiar with.

My sister would have given me a ride, but she had a lot of work to do.

Luckily, this morning was soc free meaning I got to walk to school in complete silence.

It was so boring!

I missed Johnny's smile and his laugh and his stupid awful impressions that I just loved.

I really need him to get better and soon.

When I got to school alone, I noticed that this is the first day everyone was not staring at me, and if I'm being honest I love it.

Bob and his stupid friends did however come up to me looking for a chat.

"So, Bella, miss me yet?"

I lightly pushed his shoulder, "In your dreams, Sheldon."

He started smirking at me, "So what? This Johnny kid now your boyfriend or something?"

I looked up at him confused, "Why would you think that?"

"Well, because everyone seems to think so, and I just wanted to know if it's true or not."

I looked around as everyone was staring at me ah jeez here we go again.

I got so nervous that I forgot what his question was while I'm looking at all these people.

I say in my head no but that's not what comes out of my stupid mouth.

"Yeah so? What's it to you?"

He shrugs, "Just wondering."

I smiled at him, "Are we a little jealous here, Sheldon?"

His cheeks started turning red. Oh my gosh, he was definitely jealous.

"Nah, babe, you know me. I would never get into your pants twice. Later."

He then started walking away with his little posse right behind him.

Wait a minute, did I just say yes to a question that meant no?

Did I just admit that I am dating Johnny?

Like Johnny Cade like my best friend?

Oh no, what did I just do?

I start to freak out, and it was hard going through the rest of the day knowing what I did.

Johnny is definitely going to kill me.

He doesn't like it when attention is drawn to him and this is very bad for him.

Two-bit comes and slides by my locker, "So, what's this I hear about you and Johnny dating?"

I close it, "Ugh, not you to."

"Yep, the whole school is actually buzzing about it wondering how Johnny managed to ask you out."

"You've got to be kidding me. This is a total nightmare!"

"So, you're saying that this rumor is fake correct?"

"Yes it is, but I kind of said it wasn't fake."

He started laughing at me, "Oh, this is just perfect now everybody thinks you're dating him. Why couldn't you have just said me?"

"I didn't know what I was doing okay? Now, can you walk me to the Curtis house? I don't want to go alone."

Johnny would always walk with me, but now that he's sick I have to walk home alone well hopefully not if Two-bit tags along.

"Alright, but don't be going around telling people that we're dating unless you want to." He started laughing at me.

This day just couldn't have gone any better. NOT!

When we arrived at the Curtis house, I ran inside to check up on Johnny.

This is probably the longest we have ever been away from each other, and I missed him.

I opened the door running inside to see Johnny, Pony, and Steve all in the living room.

"Johnny, how are you doing? Feeling any better? What's your temperature today? Has it gone down?"

Steve said, "It's good to see you too, BJ."

"Yeah, hey sorry."

Johnny shakes his head and says, "Sore throat today."

"Aww you poor thing. Here let me go and make you some soup. Do you like vegetable?"

I stood up and started making my way into the kitchen when he stopped me.

Johnny tries to sit up and says to me, "So, Ponyboy told me that we are dating. Would you like to explain?"


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~Stay Gold

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