Looking at Landry I sighed.

"Did Malia tell you we were back at it?" I asked him and he nodded not uttering a word in short meaning that he wasnt thrilled that we were but he was happy to help.

"As long as I dont get traced back" he said seriously looking at me making me roll my eyes.

"The last time they kept a knife in your shoulder was your fault Landry do not bring it back" I said looking at him.

Did I forget to mention our past again.

He did not say anything in return instead he gritted his teeth making his jawline flex.

"Ana" Malia said in a warning voice and I glared at her which she returned.
"Just because you are angry at the world it does not give you a pass to be a bitch to everyone" she hissed out making my palm form into a fist as the words she said stung me.


I was not angry at the world.
Hell I was angry at anything and everything from the air that we breathed to what was under the ground.

How dare he.
How dare he break my heart.

The audacity.
I could feel tears sting my vision as everyone on the table kept quiet and I felt my nails dig in the skin of my palm.

"I think we are done here" I said standing up grabbing my purse in the process passing past Landry who was sitting next to me.
He tried calling my name but Malia stopped him.

Honestly she did the right thing.

I was fuming. Ask me why.
I did not know because well how could she poke me like that.

Gritting my teeth I forcefully slammed the door of the jeep and started the engine.

On my way back I tried to calm myself. I couldnt stop the tears that fell from my eyes "damn it" I hissed out violently wiping them.

Breathing out I focused on the road ahead of me as I drove back to the house I  was tormented to be into.
I had a feeling that I was going to break completly if everywhere I passed his cologne lingered.

Forcing my brain to think of where all this began I shook my head thinking of how peaceful I had lived for the last two years.
My parents did mention that what I was getting into had its consequences and one was that you never fully come out.

My head swirled back to the time I woke up to Malia sitting on my bed crying because her house had been trashed. I remember confronting her as I tried convincing her to try and comply with Ethan about moving to his place.

The reason I was telling her was to keep her under control. Malia was lethal. That woman was deadly behind the facial expression of an innocent tiny woman.  Malia was more deadly than I and the reason she cried was because she knew.
She knew she was going to get back to the life style she fought so hard so that it doesnt make her a shell of who she was.

The life style we both promised that we would never go back to.
That was why she cried. The reason she sobbed. She knew what was coming.

I on the other hand had hope which was shattered about three days ago.

I dropped the keys on the island as I made my way to my room.
I was so used to calling it my room I sometimes failed to notice that the room was under the roof of whoever caused all this in the first place.

I felt hate surfacing all over me.

Opening the door to my room I did not expect to find Lucas sitting there with his head in his palms.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now