Bedtime Story (Him)

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Shaw was sitting next to Emma as she was sitting in bed and he was reading Disney Pixar's Toy Story.

Shaw-''In the end, Woody and Buzz were best friends. The End.''

Emma-''Thank you, Daddy.''

Shaw-''No problem, babygirl.''

Shaw put the book on the nightstand.



Emma-''Will I ever have a friendship with someone like Woody & Buzz?''

Shaw-''Of course. Once you start school in a couple of years, you'll find that one kid that will be your friend for life.''

Emma-''Will it be a girl or a boy?''

Shaw-''Not sure. Anybody can be friends. But for Daddy's sake, hopefully it's a girl.''


Shaw-''You are too little to start bringing boys home. Plus, I'm a cop. I got enough to deal with.''

You tried not to laugh as you were listening to Shaw & Emma talk while you were standing outside the bedroom.

Emma-''You know what, Daddy?''


Emma-''I don't need somebody new to be my friend.''

Shaw-''Why's that?''

Emma stood up on her bed and hugged Shaw.

Emma-''Because you are my best friend.''

Shaw smiled as he hugged Emma and you felt tears fill your eyes.

Shaw-''You're my best friend too.''

Emma kissed Shaw on his cheek.

Shaw-''Come on, time for bed.''

Emma got in bed and Shaw tucked her in.

Emma-''Goodnight, Buzz Lightyear.''

Shaw smiled.

Shaw-''Goodnight, Woody.''

Shaw kissed Emma's forehead and she went to sleep as Shaw left the room. Shaw closed the door as he looked at you.

You-''You two will be best friends for life.''

Shaw-''To Infinity And Beyond.''

Shaw kissed you.


Nick was sitting next to Jack as he was sitting in bed and he was reading Disney Pixar's Cars.

Nick-''And now, Lightning McQueen lives in Radiator Springs with his new friends. The End.''


Nick-''Yeah, kiddo?''

Jack-''Lightning McQueen and Mater remind me of you and Uncle Jay.''

Nick-''We do? Wow.''

Jack-''Yeah. You two are best friends.''

Nick-''Oh. Yeah, we are.''

Jack looked at Nick.

Nick-''Which one am I?''

Jack-''You're McQueen and Uncle Jay is Mater because he's funny.''

Nick-''Yeah, he sure is. He gets on my nerves most of the time....but he is funny.''

You smiled as you were listening outside the bedroom.

Nick-''That's why he's like a brother to me.''

Jack smiled.

Nick-''Alright, kiddo. Come on, time for bed.''

Nick tucked Jack in bed and kissed his forehead.

Jack-''Goodnight, McQueen.''

Nick-''Goodnight, Ramone.''

They smiled and Jack went to sleep as Nick left the room. Nick looked at you as he closed the door.

You-''So, you're McQueen?''

Nick-''I guess so. I actually see myself as Doc though and Jack is Lightning.''

You-''Well, I'm sure there will be a time in life when you will teach Jack to....turn right to go left.''

You both smiled and kissed.


Jake was sitting next to Skyler as she was sitting in bed and he was reading Disney Pixar's Monsters Inc.

Jake-''Sully opened the door and saw Boo again. The End.''

Skyler yawned and smiled at Jake.


Jake-''Yes, sweetheart?''

Skyler-''Why didn't Boo stay with Sully?''

Jake-''Well, Boo didn't belong in the Monster world. Plus, her mommy and daddy would've missed her so much if she stayed there.''

Skyler-''Oh. But Sully didn't want to say goodbye.''

Jake-''I know. But at least Mike put her door back together and now Sully can visit Boo at any time.''

Skyler smiled.

Jake-''Boo & Sully will always stay close friends.''

Skyler-''Like me and you, Daddy?''

Jake-''Of course.''


You smiled as you peeked into the room and saw Skyler & Jake hugging.

Jake-''Come on, sweetheart. Time for bed.''

Jake tucked Skyler into bed and kissed her forehead.

Skyler-''Goodnight, Kitty.''

Jake smiled.

Jake-''Goodnight, Boo.''

Skyler went to sleep as Jake left the room and closed the door. Jake turned to face you.

Jake-''I think she's only gonna call me ''Kitty'' from now on.''

You giggled.

You-''Well, I think it's adorable.''

Jake-''Easy for you to say, Mushu.''

You laughed and Jake kissed you.

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