Someone From Your Past

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You-''Hey, Shelley. I'm just gonna go in my office real quick to call Shaw.''


You walked into your office and closed the door. Then a man walked into the vet and stood by the front desk.

Shelley-''Can I help you, sir?''

Man-''I'm looking for someone who worked here about five years ago.''

Shelley-''Well, I've only been here for three years. But my colleague, Y/N might know who you're looking for.''

Man-''Did you say...Y/N?''


Man-''Thank you so much for your time.''

Then the man left. Shelley was confused as you came out of your office.

You-''Shaw couldn't talk long. He had an interrogation to do.''

Shelley looked at you.

You-''What's wrong?''

Shelley-''A man came in here looking for someone who worked here about five years ago.''

You-''Wow. Many people have come and gone in this vet over the years.''

Shelley-''I know. But as soon as I mentioned that you could possibly know who he's looking for...he left.''

You-''Did you mention my name?''


You-''Weird. But hey, maybe he realised he came to the wrong vet.''

Shelley-''You're probably right.''

You shrugged it off as your next appointment arrived. But you didn't know that the man was watching you from his car.


You were at the receptionist desk talking to your friend Cindy when you looked at the clock on the wall.

You-''Oh, it's time for me to do my rounds. See you at lunch.''


You walked off and got in the elevator. Then a man walked up to the desk by Cindy.

Cindy-''Hi, can I help you?''

Man-''I'm looking for someone who works here. Her name is Y/N. We're old friends.''

Cindy-''Oh, you just missed her.''

Man-''Then I'll come by another time.''

Cindy-''Why don't you leave your contact details? I can give it to her.''

Man-''That's ok. Thank you for your time.''

Cindy-''No problem.''

The man smiled and left the hospital. Then you walked up to the desk.

You-''I can't believe I forgot my folder here.''

You picked up your folder.

Cindy-''Hey, someone was here looking for you. He says he's an old friend of yours.''

You-''Did he give you a name?''


You-''Weird. Well, I better get back to work.''

You shrugged it off and went back to work. But you didn't know that the man was watching you from the hospital doors.


Harry-''Y/N, can you get more beer from the back?''


You headed to the back. Then a man walked into the bar and sat down in front of Harry.

Harry-''What can I get you, sir?''

Man-''I was wondering if you could help me. I'm looking for a lady named Y/N. I heard she's working here.''

Harry-''Yeah, she's here. She'll be right back.''

Man-''I'm actually in a hurry. I'll stop by some other time.''

The man stood up.

Man-''Thanks for your time.''

He left the bar as you came back with a case of beer.

You-''There you go.''

You looked at Harry.

You-''Harry, you alright?''

Harry-''There was a guy looking for you but he couldn't stay.''

You-''Did he give you his name?''

Harry-''No. He said he'll stop by again.''

You-''Guess I'll see him some other time.''

Harry-''As for now, we got customers.''


You both smiled. But you didn't know the man was watching you from outside by his motorbike.

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