Him vs His Enemy P1

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Burke aimed his gun and fired at Shaw. But Shaw moved out of the way, ran towards Burke and tackled him down.


You were terrified as you watched Shaw and Burke fighting. Then Samuel ran and jumped onto one of the guys that was holding onto you. Then you got loose from the other guy and kicked him by giving him a low blow knowing he'd go down fast.

Burke-''You're not walking out of here, John.''

You looked over and saw Burke throw Shaw to the ground. Then you grabbed the gun that one of the henchmen had and aimed it at Burke.


Burke looked over his shoulder at you and smiled as Shaw looked at you.

You-''Get away from him!''

Burke-''You're not gonna shoot me.''

You-''Wanna bet?''

But the henchman that you took the gun from grabbed you from behind.


You struggled with the guy with the gun in between both of you. Samuel bit the guy's leg and the gun aimed and fired but it shot the other henchman. Shaw got up and tackled Burke down again but then Shaw immediately got up and aimed his gun.

Shaw-''Y/N, get down!!''

You dropped to the ground and heard two gunshots go off and then you saw the henchman fall to the ground.

You-''Oh, my gosh.''

Shaw rushed over to you and you immediately hugged him.

Shaw-''Sweetie, are you ok?''

You-''I think so.''

You saw Burke get up.

You-''John, Burke's up again.''

You and Shaw got up and Shaw stood in front of you so Burke couldn't hurt you.

Burke-''Nice work. You two with that dog make a hell of a team.''

Shaw-''It's not too late, Burke. We can all still walk away from this!''

Burke-''Do you really think I'd do all of this and have you walk away?''

Burke aimed his gun at Shaw.

Burke-''I'm not letting you get away this time.''

Shaw stood his ground.

Shaw-''Take your best shot!''


You-''No, John!''

You moved as Burke fired one single shot! Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion as you looked down at your stomach and saw the blood.


Shaw held you in his arms as you fell to the ground because you had moved in front of Shaw making Burke shoot you!

To Be Continued....


Heller dropped his gun on the floor.

Nick-''Are we gonna fight it out like men?''

Heller-''I figured you'd prefer it that way.''

Nick ran towards Heller and threw the first punch as you and Jay were almost out of the building.

You-''Jay, we're not seriously leaving Nick alone with that maniac?''

Jay-''Hell no girl. I'm just getting you to safety and then I'm gonna go help Nick in any way I possibly can.''

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