6 Months Along

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Shaw walked into the vet with Samuel.

Shaw-''Hey, Shelley.''

Shelley-''Hey, Shaw. Y/N will be out in a second.''

Then you walked out with your bag.

Shaw-''Ready to go home for a few months?''

You-''For maternity leave? I don't know if I can handle being away from all these animals for that long.''

Shelley-''Don't worry, Y/N. When you come back, you'll get right back into the swing of things.''

You-''Well, I'd say that I'm gonna miss you, Shelley....but you're gonna be dropping by the house every few days.''

Shelley-''Of course.''

You all smiled. You hugged Shelley and left with Shaw & Samuel. You all got in the car.



You-''Will you be working less for the next few months?''

Shaw-''I am.''


Shaw-''Yeah. Although criminals don't have days off....''

You giggled.

Shaw-''I will.''

You-''Thank you.''

Shaw kissed you. Then you all went home.


Nick & Jay walked up to the receptionist desk by Cindy.

Nick-''Cindy, where's Y/N?''

Cindy-''Oh, she's....''

You walked up to the desk with a folder.


Nick smiled.


Nick-''You ready to go home?''

You-''What? I'm not done with my rounds yet.''

Nick-''But you said you'd work only half the day today.''

You-''I know. But you should know how I lose track of time when I'm working.''

Nick-''Your maternity leave starts as soon as your rounds are done. I don't want you working too hard.''

Jay-''Nick, as much as I agree with you on Y/N working too much....she works in a hospital. She couldn't be in a better place if she ends up working too hard.''

Nick knew Jay was right.

Jay-''But that doesn't mean that you should work too hard, Y/N.''

You knew Jay was right.

You & Nick-''Thank you, Jay.''

Jay-''You're welcome. I swear, you two would be lost without me.''

You all laughed.


Jake walked into the bar.

Jake-''Hi, Harry.''

Harry-''Hey, Jake. Y/N is just getting her bag from the back.''


Harry-''She seems really excited about her maternity leave.''

Jake smiled.

Harry-''Or the fact that she doesn't have to see me everyday for a while.''

You-''Harry! You know that's not true.''

They laughed.

Harry-''I know.''

Jake-''I think what Harry is trying to say, Y/N....is that he has no idea how he is gonna run this bar without you.''

You smiled.

Harry-''That is actually partly true because you have your regular customers.''

You-''Well, luckily they all know why I won't be here for a while.''

Jake-''Ready to go home, Y/N?''

You-''Yeah, I am.''

You hugged Harry.

You-''Bye, Harry.''

Harry-''Bye, sweetheart. Take care of yourself and that baby.''

You-''I will.''

Jake-''We'll see you soon, Harry.''


You and Jake waved at Harry and then you both left the bar.

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