Chapter 11

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Being called a monster hurts, it literally hurts; it crosses the line. They don't even know me and not capable of harming others at the moment. How dare them to call me a name like that, they despise me even I didn't do anything. How can an angel-like them think badly to an unborn child, destroying me? They have no difference in demons the way they think, they called themselves protector. I hissed balling my fist.

Anger radiates on my body, I felt sudden power surrounding me. My vision darkened, I'm shaking on my spot. I'm angry that they didn't give chance to me and my mother, heat comes out from my body burning my skin, I'm going to explode, the feeling is so overwhelming.

" Hope, you need to come down " Hunter order me

" I don't think I can " my breathing becomes heavy, growl escape from my mouth. What? I don't growl, I sound like an angry beast.

" Hope look at me, fight it, don't let it consume you," he said sternly, I look at him, he looks scared. Am I that frightening? What's happening to me? I can't control myself.

" Hope, don't lose yourself, the entire human race is depending on you " he walks toward me and touches my hand. I close my eyes; I remember the kids and sisters in the orphanage. I can't fail them, I don't want something bad to happen to them, and I need to protect them. Little by little I regain myself, the feeling of destroying anything that comes near me vanished, but I'm still angry.

" I'm sorry " I curled on the floor and begun to cry, what have I done?

" It's alright, I didn't expect that you would react like that, you almost lose yourself. If that happened the fight is over without even fighting, it's my fault I'm your guardian I should have prepared you before hearing those " Hunter is blaming himself, he shouldn't be, I'm the one who loses control.

" It's not your fault, I don't know what happens after I hear those words, it cut me deep, then there is some force that aggravates it and like feeding on my anger and making it worst " I can't forgive myself if I did something wrong. I thought it would be easy because it is already in the past, but it's not, it creates a fresh wound that hurts so badly. I hate them, can you blame me?

" I should have warned you earlier, but it happened already, now you know what will happen if you let your anger consumed you " I never been that angry before, it only happened now.

" Look at your wings," he said while shaking his head, he looked depressed and dismay. I do as I say, a gasp escaped from my mouth, at first I didn't notice any change but when I looked at it carefully I see it clearly, patches of the black feather is more visible now. What have I done to myself? I can't form a word.

" As you can see, black feathers are more prominent now " I nodded " If you let loose all your self-control the demon blood will dominate your body, your wings will turn black and you will become a full pledge demon" Fear consumed my body, I will become a monster that they are saying.

Hunter read what I'm thinking " Hope, you're not a monster and you will never be, you should always believe in the goodness that lived in your heart " he smiles encouraging me, if he is not a cat and that small I might hug him right now, I needed it badly. I wiped the tears in my eyes and sigh; we looked at each other for a long time.

" Your right, I'm not a monster I will prove to them that they are wrong "

" That's my angel, just remember that I am here now and I will never leave you " his words are making me emotional again, at least I know that I'm not alone on this fight.

" Promise?"

" Promise," he said while putting his hand on his chest dramatically, I laugh at his action.

" There you go, smiling again, that's better. Whenever you cry I feel bad, so don't cry again" I nodded and smile wiping the stray of tears on my cheeks.

" I think you should continue, I'm okay now I promise " I badly needed to know what really happened, if I feel angry again I would simply think happy memories to block it. I will find ways in the future to control myself more.

" As you wish "


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