Chapter 22

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" Okay, okay. I got excited when I heard that there is an angel here, I want to see you. I feel fascinated hearing them talking about you, on how beautiful you are, that you are unique. So I volunteered to bring the food today, anyway I wait for the perfect timing that my-" she didn't finish what she's saying.

" Amelia!!!! " a loud and angry voice echoed on the house, makes me jump on the bed.

" Shit!! "

Then BOOM!! the door burst opens revealing an angry-looking man " Amelia!!!! "


" Amelia!! " he shouted,  looks really pissed. The way his eyes narrowed and darkened his nose flares in anger.

" Oops " the girl hide on my back, I think her name is Amelia.

He closes his eyes, breathing slowly trying to calm himself. When he opens his eyes he still looks angry but controlling it.

" Amelia " she called the girl hiding, she picks her head out to look and smile while waving his hand.

" Hello, brother!! " I stood still where I'm standing, it's a shocker I didn't know that he has a sister. What can I say I didn't really know him at all.

He continues to glare at her, then silence.........

Then little by little Amelia step away from me and walk towards his brother with her head bowed down. Where is the brave girl that I saw before..... She is clearly scared of his brother, it's not her fault it's mine, I shouldn't accept her offer. Even though she's a demon she's still a kid and she just tried to help me.

" Devon.. " he looks at me, correction he glared at me too. I'm still angry at him and all his lie, so I glare at him too.

" Sorry, Devon..... I just can't take it anymore, she doesn't deserve to be held at that place "

" You have no right to decide, I trusted you. You're planning it from the start, isn't it? That's why you're so eager to make me leave the house "

Amelia looks scared, she bites her lip to control herself from to cry. I don't know her but I feel sorry for her, you know that kids are close to my heart.

" But look at her! You don't feel sorry? She's so thin and pale; I force her to eat in exchange for going out with me. I promise her that if she ate she can get out on that cell. Besides you seldom eat because she's not eating right? and you-you are always angry even at small things and--"

" Stop!! "

It feels like they didn't acknowledge my existence the way they fight at each other, they continue to argue and I get tired hearing their rants.

" Stop both of you, I'm going back to that cell if it stops you from fighting "

They look at me and become speechless, Amelia looks sad and Devon looks confused? Maybe he thinks I'm crazy deciding to go back at that cell and not escaping.

I will just try to find my way to escape without anyone's help.

" Brother please, don't let her go back there, it's a dirty place and she doesn't deserve to be there. I will watch her 24/7, if that what will make you feel at ease that she will not escape, I promise " she looks at him with pleading eyes.

Devon grabs my arm and starts walking towards the door, his hold is surprisingly gentle.

" Devon! "

" What? I'll just bring her to her room so she can rest " Did he just agree to her sister in not bring me back to the cell.

Even we are outside her room I can still hear her yelling YES! What's with that demon child being kind to me? We walk in the opposite wing which is a little bit darker. Then Devon opens the door and pushes me inside. The room is quite big and so as the bed with a red bedsheet, the wall is plain white. The room is simple but beautiful; there is also a big closet and bathroom.

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