Chaptet 26

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For the love of God, I'm speechless seeing this miserable man. There is something that I can't explain, my mind is telling me to open the door and help this man.

But before I think more, my hand already grasps the handle and opens the door creating a creaking sound.

The man lifts his head noticing that someone enters the room, my heart beats faster than normal. I walk slowly, wanting to see the face of the man that makes me feel strange emotions.

Even though it's dark inside, the small light that comes inside is enough for me to see his face.

We are now facing each other, the shock is evident on his thin face.

We look at each other's eyes like forever before he speaks.


I gasp, his voice is small, but still, I heard him. He knows my mother, I felt an urge to interrogate him.

" I'm not Elena, how did you know my mother? " I tried to remain calm and stop myself from exploding

He looks mortified after I ask him, his body is uncontrollably shaking. Is he scared of me or crying?

" What's your name? "

" I'm Hope "I still can't understand why he is acting like this.

He began to cry more and muttering words that I can't understand. What's really happening?

" Hey, please stop crying okay... I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know how do you know my mother, is she here? " My heart beats faster, having a slight hope that my mother is alive somewhere.

He looks at me with sad eyes, that moment that small hope crushed immediately...

I turned around walking to the door because I can't be emotional right now.

" I'm sorry Hope, I should be the one who died not your mother. I love her that I can sacrifice my own life and I love you too... My sweet angel"

I grasp my chest, even though I don't want to cry my eyes betrayed me, and my tears flow uncontrollably.

It only means that......

" Father " I almost choked saying those words.

He began to cry more

" Hope, my daughter "

I run to him and hug him tight, I don't care about the blood or dirt that is on his body. I'm with my father, even mother is not here, I still have a father.

" I want you to tell me everything that happened, but before that, I need to get you out of here " he nods his head

With all the strength that I have, I break the chain that is holding him.

I immediately caught him before he falls on the ground, he's too weak to stand on his own. I want to kill whoever did this to him.

" Hope, you should not be here. How did you get here? "

I smile at him " Just want to kill someone "

" You're making it easy for them to catch you. "

I sigh " For now, I won't do it. The only thing that I want to do right now is to get you away from here "

" I should be the one protecting you... You are the only one I have if something happens to you- "

" Sshh... Nothing is going to happen, we're together now and we will get out of this place together. "

We walk on the dark hallway, I can still remember how I enter so it becomes easy for me to know the exit.

For a man, he's too light...
I can't imagine how much torture he endures, yeah he is not dead, the one doing this is making him suffer and killing him slowly. That makes me furious...

" Hope, are you alright? Your body, it's getting hot "

I blink a few times, sighing... Relax Hope, breathe in, breathe out... You don't want to lose control now.

" I'm fine, it's just because of the place"

I don't have the guts to tell him that her daughter can be a ruthless demon any minute.

It's very suspicious that no one saw us but still thankful that we are outside now.

Father looks really tired... I decided to stop beside a river to clean him. It's so painful seeing him with all these wounds, there's no space on his skin without the slash. Some of them are still bleeding, I can't imagine how he manages to stay alive.

" Father, can you tell me you and my mother's story. I want to hear it"

" Of course my dear. Your mother, Elena, is the bravest and kind-hearted angel I have ever met.
There's a battle, as usual, the angels won. I thought I'm going to die with the rest of my fellow demon, she walks towards and points her sword at my heart. I embrace my death, but it didn't happen. I open my eyes and looked at her, what I saw is an Angel with a sweet smile. She offers her hand to lift me from the ground. After that, she flew away. Every day I always come back to that place, hoping that I can see that angel again.
Then one day it happened, I'm happy when I'm with her. She's different from the other angel, she gives me chance to live and change.
We became friends, telling each other what is our opinion about the war.
Months pass, I felt something different from your mother. I can't settle with her just being friends. I told her that I like her, turns out that she likes me too.
That like towards each other become stronger and grew to become love.
I'm scared for her if anyone knows about it. She will be in danger, I tried to stay away, but it's too late. I'm going to die being away from her, we decided to escape and find a place where we can live away from the others.
That didn't happen, because she didn't come to our meeting place.
I thought that time that she changes her mind and cannot leave heaven.
One day I heard about the plan of the other demon to attack heaven because it is on it's weakest.
I don't have any idea how their protection becomes weak, my heart felt something bad is going to happen.
That day I learned that your mother is being locked the whole time and pregnant with you. I'm happy knowing that she didn't abandon me.
I'm scared because we are winning if they saw you and your mother. They are going to kill you.
We entrusted you to a guardian, blocking every demon that tried to kill us.
We almost escape...
We are ready to follow you, I didn't notice someone is on our back and before we have the chance to jump he already plunges the sword on your mother's heart and I blocked out.
When I woke up, I'm already at that cell. I know from that time that your mother died, I plead to them to kill me too. They are just too cruel, they don't want that to happen anytime.
What makes me alive, maybe the thought that you are alive somewhere."

" Don't blame yourself that mother died, I know that she is happy now seeing that we are together. Her death will not be wasted. "

" Ahahahahahaha, Ahahahahaha!!!! "

" Such a tragic life, bravo! "

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