Chapter 6

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The following day I feel better so I decided to go to work. I have a strong feeling that this day will be a busy day, as usual. And my gut's is correct I even needed to stay for overtime. When the last case is done I hurriedly change my clothes. It's already dark outside and I'm hungry.

I'm walking when a car pulls over beside me so I stop to know who it is. The door opens and reveals Devon. He walks toward me smiling, he looks like a model more than a doctor. Even he is wearing jeans and a white shirt he stands out. He has a perfect face, blue eyes, a pointy nose, and a good body. He really looks handsome in my opinion.

" Like what you seeing, I can stand here for as long as you like" he smiles at me flashing his perfect white teeth, my god, everything about this man screams PERFECT! Can you believe that?

He caught me staring probably he is thinking that I'm checking him out, it is true but I won't admit it, I felt my face heat, it happens when I feel embarrassed.

" What do you want?" I ask in a normal voice, I turn around to hide my heated face.

" I can see that you are okay now. It's a long tiring day what do you think" he smiles again leaning closer, I can smell his manly cologne

I look at him raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms on my chest, he laughs at me, do I look like a clown to him. I ignore him and walk away.

" Hey wait " he grabs my shoulder and I turn around to face him again.

" What do you want?" I ask in an irritating voice and almost yelling

"Your cute when your angry, by the way, I was just going to ask you for dinner. It's a tiring day so I'm sure your hungry, so what do you think? " he said while smiling at me

" No, I'm fine" I lie, my stomach growl, nice one stupid noise keep embarrassing me in a situation like this. He laughs and I feel more embarrassed, situations like this are humiliating, I want to disappear instant.

"I think that say's otherwise," he said holding his laugh, he is enjoying my humiliation.

I sigh " Fine " I have no choice, he'll gonna follow me if I don't go with him. Stubborn bitch, shit, shit, did I just curse. Even it's only on my thought it felt wrong.

" Fine what?" he made a confused look

He must be joking, he's enjoying my humiliation. I turn around to hide my embarrassment, I'm walking away but he grabs my hand.

" I'm just kidding, let's go" his hand is warm and soft like it belongs to women. He opens the door for me, after closing the door he goes to the driver seat. His car is clean and smells like him, it's nice actually. He starts the engine and drives

" I know I diner near about thirty minutes from here, the food is delicious you'll love it"

" You better say the truth because I won't go with you again" he just laughs and continues to drive

The ride is awkwardly silent

" You want some music?" you should play that earlier to ease the tension

" Yeah"

" What do you like?"

" Anything is fine"

" Okay" he plays a classic music, it's relaxing. I thought he'll gonna play some rock music.

After a long drive, we finally reach the diner. It's not big but I think it can hold thirty costumers. When we enter the diner we are greeted by a waiter.

" Good evening, welcome to angel's and demon diner, table for two?" weird name for a diner

" Yes please "

We follow the waiter and sit on our table

" Here's the menu, would you like a drink while deciding which will you get?" the waiter looks at me smiling so I return the smile.

" I'll have Pepsi, Hope what do you like?" I look at him, he is glaring at the waiter.

" Hmm, I'll have red iced tea," I say and smile on the waiter.

" Okay I'll be right back" the waiter walk away getting our drink. I look at Devon and he looks angry breathing heavily, what's wrong with him. He notices that I was looking at him and his expression change to calm.

" Excuse me for a minute, I need to go to the bathroom" he wink and walk towards the bathroom.

I continue to scan the menu and found what I like. I didn't notice that he came back.

" Miss me" I look at Devon and saw his hair a little messy, he caught me staring at his hair, he comb his hair using his finger

" Nope " he chuckles and sits on the chair

" So you find anything you like?" I nod, he gestures to the waiter, I'm confused when a waitress approaches us, where is the waiter that welcomes us.

" Ready to order? " the waitress focusing her attention to Devon and not acknowledging my existence, wow.

" Yes, Hope go on" I ignore my previous thoughts.

" Okay, hmm, I like lasagna with garlic bread, a clubhouse sandwich, and chocolate cake please, " I said smiling.

" You must be very hungry," Devon said, he seem shocked that I order a lot.

Yeah and I'm going make myself full tonight.

" No, not much I only order a few " I say looking innocent, he just laughs at me and he orders for himself.

We wait for our food and the monster in my stomach continues to make noise, I fake cough when it makes noise but of course, Devon knows what I'm doing so he is laughing occasionally. After a decade the waitress brings our food finally. " Enjoy "

" Hope can I ask you something " I look at him and he looked serious, I swallow my food before answering.

" Yeah " I continue to eat while I wait for his answer

" Do you always caught men's attention?" I almost choked on his question,

" What do you mean?" I stop eating and look at him.

" Since we enter the diner almost every man in here are looking at you, I notice this also in the hospital" he sound serious, is he really asking me this question. How the hell I know.

" I never pay attention to others so I don't know if they are looking at me " that's true, I usually avoided making eye contact with others or even look at them.

" Oh, but I can't blame them, your worth looking, I just feel annoyed because they can see that I'm with you here but they still keep glancing on you," he said sound irritated.

I don't know what to say so I just look at my lap, I become conscious knowing that some people are staring.

After we eat he pays for the food, I insist that I can pay for my food. He said that he is the man and he is the one who invites so it's his treat. When we exit the diner the rain is pouring hard. We ran to his car but we are still soaking wet, it's cold. Devon turns the heat of his car and I feel a lot better.

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