Chapter 25

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Day by day I think about a plan to escape,  maybe they are thinking that I just surrender and be contended to be their prisoner.

Yeah, maybe Devon just wants me to be safe, but I can't wait and sit here until someone gets hurt or worst killed because of me.

Things bound to happen no matter what,  this is my destiny,  this is the reason why I lived. I can't run or hide forever.

I have this idea 'what if I kill first the leader of the demons' I'm already in hell, so it means I'm on my enemy's territory.

Hunter will not be happy if he found out what I'm planning. This is suicide and an idiotic plan to attack alone.

But can you blame me for thinking about their safety first and set aside my own.

This is my chance, no one will suspect.

" Hey, Hope! " I came back to reality when I notice that Amelia is trying to get my attention.

" Hmm... what? I'm sorry, you're saying? "

" Tsk., you're here but your mind? No. Is there anything that I can help to ease your mind? "

Why did she always have to talk like an adult,  is she really a kid or just trap on a kid's body?

" Here we go again, Hello!! Hell to Hope " she waves her hand in front of my face

I blink a few times " oh, I'm so sorry! I'm a little bit off today. My attention is not that good at the moment, there are so many things that are running on my mind right now and I can't seem to process which to think first.  "

" Calm down girl! Try to relax,  inhale. .. exhale... There you go, I understand that you're thinking a lot of problems right now,  but please forget about it for a moment. The more you think about it,  the more you're stressing yourself. " she has a point,  but how can I do that knowing that the safety of the entire human race is on my back.

" I won't tell you to put yourself on my shoes,  because I don't want anyone to experience the pressure that I'm having right now. One wrong move, just one... All the people that I love can die "

Amelia wipes the tears that fell on my face, I know from the look of her face that she cares. She smiles at me and embraces me for a moment like telling 'everything's going to be alright'.

I'm sorry Amelia,  but I need to leave... I don't want you and Devon to be in danger because of me.

Today Devon is not here, this is my chance to escape.  I already memorize where the exit is, the timing where the guards are shifting, and having their breaks.

I'll just wait for the right time.

I'm wearing a cloak again to hide.

One of the guards on the ground floor leaves his spot to go to the bathroom. I look at every single direction to make sure no one can see me.

When I make sure that the coast is clear I run towards the door.

I almost stumble when I crushed on something,  rather... someone.

" Where are you going? "

" I'm sorry " before she reacts I immediately punch her on her stomach. When she losses her consciousness I place her on the hammock outside. I look at her one last time and kiss her on the forehead.
" Forgive me, Amelia,  you're a sweet girl and you grow close to my heart.  I remember the kids in the orphanage whenever I'm with you. Please take care of yourself and Devon for me. "

Devon and I, we really don't have a decent conversation. I don't know if he's really busy or just avoiding me. Sometimes I saw him looking at me,  but whenever I caught him he immediately avoids my gaze.

He's making me feel confused, tsk. I can't explain. But I can't let it distract me from my goal.

I run towards the forest so I'm not visible to anyone and I can easily hide from the tress.

Hell looks dark, it looks like nighttime on earth.

But in hell, it's forever night...

I can hear crying from agony, it gives me chill...

Focus Hope.....

I'm walking in the forest for a long time now and I'm sure that I'm far away from Devon's house.

This place is so hot.

Sometimes I saw demons patrolling, that's why I'm very careful.

Hell is a big place,  how can I figure out where the leader is.

Their house looks the same... 😖

I felt so tired and rest on a dead tree beside me. This place is scary, it's suffocating me, feels like someone is always watching me.

After a few minutes of rest, I walk again, then I saw this house. I don't know if this is really a house, looks like an abandoned building with so several floors.

The place is quiet and it's scaring me that someone will just jump on me. Relax Hope, you can do this...

I enter the building easily, very suspicious... The only thing that illuminates the place is a fire on the torch that distantly places on the wall, enough to lit the place.

I need to be very careful, this is unfamiliar territory. How do I know who should I kill, maybe kill everything that moves? *sigh* nice one Hope.

I think I'm at the underground? Hell, this place smells like rotten flesh. My stomach began to rise, but I manage to restrain it. This place, I gasp as I saw the surrounding. It looks like a cellar with people, don't know if they are real humans. Bound with chains on their hands and feet, with a slash on different parts of their naked body.

This place, i-it screams torture.

They are not moving, just lying on the floor and making this agonizing sound. I might go crazy hearing those, I place my hands on my ear and run away from them.

I still hear them, so this is the place where that sounds I hear coming from.

There's this different cellar that has a solid iron door, I took a peak on the small hole. There's a man in there facing his back on me, immediately I place my hands on my mouth to stop making a sound.

Besides the slash on his body, his wings......

It's been cut off from his back.


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