Chapter 23

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I don't know how to feel that Hope is here now at my house, I should feel happy that finally, she is with me. But why I feel guilty that I'm keeping her here. Of course, because I'm keeping her against her will, she must understand that I'm doing what is best for her.

I still remember the way I act when I heard that one of the leaders wants to send me to earth. 


I'm enjoying myself in training demons and I'm good at it, that's why I don't understand when they order me to go to earth and search for some angel. I'm annoyed at their decision, I know I'm stronger than the other but there are still other option.

I don't like to be surrounded by weak humans and their pathetic lives. They said they believe in me that I will bring them the angel, what's special about this angel anyway?

I'm sure Amelia will not be happy about this, she is mad at me because I'm not spending more time with her because of my duty and now I will totally not see her for a long time until I found that angel.

They didn't tell me what they will do once I found the angel and it seems suspicious. It's like they are hiding something and I'm going to figure it out.

Opening the portal and passing through it is easy for me because I'm no ordinary demon, I belong to the upper class. That is one of the reasons I'm being sent to this quest. The lower class demon can't pass through the portal because there is some barrier stopping them. I guess that is to control the number of demons that can roam the earth.

I can imagine if that barrier is gone, chaos will be everywhere, and demons will rule all the places, hell, heaven, and earth. Humans can't stand a chance; they will live from slavery and misery. Angels are gone now and there will be no one who will defend them.

The balance is long gone; the earth is full of cruel human now. There is war everywhere; humans do bad things like murder and other crimes against each other. Angels are no longer there to act as conscience and direct or guide them to do good things.

The day I arrive at earth makes me hate humans more because of their greediness. I'm a demon so I'm naturally heartless, but humans... they are a different case. They are so ignorant about other creatures that can make them feel a different kinds of pain; humans think they are superior among all.

Whenever they pissed me, it makes me think that I want to kill them and bring them to their death. I tried very hard to blend in and minimize my contact with others. How long do I need to endure these disgusting humans?

It's been a long time, still no sign of this angel; I didn't think there is someone escapes when they attacked heaven. When the attacked happen I'm still a kid so I didn't witness our success. If I'm there I will feel delighted to end their life.

Whenever I feel bored I played a little, not that big to be noticed that will ruin my quest. It feels nice that it is so easy to deceive humans. It's entertaining to see them fight for my attention especially the girls, they are like a leech that will suck your money and use you, what a whore. They are wrong to think that they can outsmart me because I'm more intelligent than them.

It's not hard to live here, they have a low standard of living, money here is really important to them but it's just a piece of paper for me.

I'm at a different place again; moving from place to place is not new to me. This place seems pretty normal to me, quiet and boring.

One day I decide to wake up early and look at the place, I'm walking now at the unfamiliar street I don't know but my feet bring me here. I thought this will be an ordinary day until I saw this girl.............

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