Chapter 8 ~ Down in Flames

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I walked around the room looking for my phone where I had been. I walked over to the stage and saw Callaghan.
"Oh, welcome back Y/N. Are you looking for something?"
I nodded, "Yeah I can't find my phone, have you seen it anywhere?"
He smiled, "This phone?" He held out my phone and my face lit up.
"Yeah! That's it! Where was it?" I asked.
He smiled, "It was on the ground by the stage, you must have dropped it."
"Thanks!" I smiled and took it. "Have a nice night professor!" I spoke and put my phone in my bag.
"You do the same Y/N." He answered.
I started walking away and was looking around at everything. I hummed quietly to myself as I walked around in circles.
There was a sudden explosion of a project a small distance away from me.
I was launched back and hit the wall. I fell to my knees and coughed violently. I inhaled smoke, causing me to continue to cough.
Quick thinking
Use your brain
The building was quickly engulfing in flames and I started to panic.
Now's not the time to panic
Just think.
I grabbed a random cloth I found and placed it over my nose and mouth. Despite this, I still coughed into it.
The alarm started ringing. It felt like it was blasting inside my head.
People were screaming everywhere and everyone was running out of the building.
My lungs felt like they were burning. I stayed low to the ground and quickly walked to the entrance of the building.
I was farther back in the building so it was taking a while to make it to the doors. I looked around to see if anybody needed any help and didn't see anyone.
I continued coughing and made my way to the doors. I knew I was dropping in terms of my oxygen level but I was focused on survival. The lightheadedness was starting to get to me and I pushed opened the door, falling outside. I stumbled getting up and coughed violently, spitting out ash. I made my way down the stairs, the pain starting to hit me and started to fall.
I felt myself get caught and looked up to see Tadashi.
"Y/N?!" He yelled.
I coughed again and weakly stood.
I had a scratchy voice, "Yeah."
Hiro ran up to me, "Are you ok?!"
"I-I'm good...I'll be fine." My voice was a dead giveaway that I was lying but I hoped they'd ignore it. "I-I think Professor Callaghan is still in there!"
Tadashi started running towards the building and Hiro ran up and grabbed his arm.
"Tadashi no!" He yelled out.
I coughed, "Are you insane?!" I called out.
"Professer Callaghan's still in there!" Tadashi answered us both, "Someone has to help."
Tadashi took off running and I coughed violently, spitting out more ash with what looked like a little blood.
I looked up at Tadashi desperately.
Don't leave me!
I can't lose you like I did Elijah!
Hiro looked back at me with concern and looked at Tadashi running inside. He had a desperate look in his eyes before he started running towards the building as well.
Hiro no!
I reached out to protest and coughed violently. Tears had welled up in my eyes and started to fall down my ash covered cheeks.
Hiro had gotten closer to the building when the worst thing imaginable happened.
A large explosion went off, launching Hiro and me backwards. I collided with the ground and got up quickly, taking in the sight of the building.
I saw Hiro stand up and walk towards it.
"Tadashi!" He yelled out.
I could hear the strain in his voice.
My ears were ringing and my hands slowly came up to over my mouth. My eyes were frozen open and I was stuck with a horrified expression on my face.
"Tadashi! Where are you?!" Hiro continued.
All I heard was the pounding in my head with the ringing as Hiro's voice faded.
I dropped down to my knees, my expression not changing. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sat.
I wasn't breathing properly, my air flow felt like it was being restricted. I thought my throat was closing.
Come on Tadashi
Walk out of the building
You're not dead...
You can't be!
Walk out!
I clenched my fists together. I couldn't hear anything. My heart was pounding loudly.
It felt like time was stopped as the building was consumed by the flames.
I could feel myself shaking as my vision started darkening.
I saw Hiro turn to me. His eyes met mine and the feeling that washed over me was unexplainable.
I was filled with pain as I saw his distraught eyes. He looked traumatized and vulnerable.
The same eyes that I found so pretty were now staring at me with so much pain.
The same eyes that were normally so bright and brought me so much joy were now bringing me torture.
He quickly stepped down the steps to me.
"Y-Y/N? T-Tad-dashi..."
I could only hear him. Everything else was consumed by the ringing in my ears
This was the longest we had held eye contact.
I could practically hear his heart break more and more with every syllable.
His eyes seemed to be dulling and tears started to slip down his cheeks.
I tried to speak but nothing came out.
I struggled to breathe and coughed slightly.
I fought the urge but lost. I finally changed my position by leaning over and coughing violently. Blood splattered into my hand and I ignored it. I looked up at Hiro and our eyes reconnected.
This is too much for me
I can't do this
I stood up abruptly, making my head pound even more than it already was.
I stared down at my bloody, ash covered hands and could still feel Hiro's eyes on me.
"Y-Y/N..." I looked up and saw his heartbroken eyes with tears spilling down the sides of his fave.
This is too much
I can't
"I-I'm s-sor-ry" I managed to get out weakly before I took off running.
I ran down the stairs and to the path leading to the rest of the campus
"Y/N!" I could hear Hiro calling out.
I ignored the bad shape my lungs were in and kept running.
I ran with tears streaming down my cheeks and falling to the floor.
I let out a scratchy scream as I ran, the all too familiar feeling starting to set in again.

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