Chapter 21 - Attention Driven Panic

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Time skip ~~
I watched Hiro fly around on Baymax's back over the water. I was happy for him, he really seemed to be getting better.
I had been focusing on underwater tests for my tech and all of them had been going smoothly.
I was talking to Honeylemon who was obsessed with her suit.
"I just can't believe Hiro made this! I mean, it's so cute but so functional!"
I nodded, I was amazed at the suits Hiro developed for everyone. Wasabi's was my personal favorite.
"Say Y/N, you haven't showed us your suit yet. You've been wearing that hoodie over it all day! I wanna see what your tech is!" Fred spoke up.
My eyes widened, I didn't want them to see my body. The suit was tight fitting as it was with everyone's, but I hated seeing my body size.
"Well uh, I can show you the tech...but uh...not the costume." I spoke timidly.
Fred lifted his head piece off, "Ohhhh this is gonna be awesome!"
I turned my sleeve on after pulling up my hoodie sleeve. It lit up with blue lights down the sides.
I pulled a small amount of water up out of the harbor and held it in a ball over my hand.
Gogo stood up and skated over with Wasabi. Fred walked over excitedly and Honeylemon squealed in excitement.
"You can manipulate water?! That's sick dude!" Fred cheered.
I looked away happily and focused on the ball of water, causing it to boil. It boiled until it was all water vapor.
Honeylemon clapped and Gogo spoke up, "You made that? That's pretty cool Y/N."
I nodded and powered my sleeve off. I pulled my hoodie sleeve back down and Wasabi patted me.
"That's amazing Y/N. You're tech will be revolutionary." He was calm but it was obvious he meant it.
I smiled bashfully and heard a noice from behind us. I turned to see Hiro landing with Baymax.
"How was your flight?" I asked and walked up to them. The group followed behind me.
Hiro smiled brightly and wrapped me in a hug, catching me off guard.
"It was amazing Y/N! You'll have to see it. I'll take you eventually." He spoke.
I nodded and he released me.
"Did you find the masked guy?" Fred asked
"No, not yet. Baymax's scanner didn't pick him up. We'll have to scan again tomorrow."
I nodded in understanding and the others exchanged glances.
The others started to talk again and walked back over to where they could sit, leaving me and Hiro.
"Have you tested your tech yet?" Hiro asked.
I swallowed, "Well um...the boiling function works. I haven't tested large amounts of water yet...I'm a little scared." I laughed a little and Hiro smiled.
"I'm sure it'll work out great Y/N! Your tech is genius!"
I smiled and nodded. Hiro walked off to do something and I stared at the water out in the harbor. I guess now's as good a time as any.
Time to test my tech.

I pulled my mask over my face and attached the mouth piece.
While everyone else was experimenting with their new gear I started pulling water up from the bay the yard was up against.
This would be my first time trying to propel water that wasn't underwater. All of my underwater tests had been going great though, and with Hiro's encouragement, I was confident.
I had pulled up a decent amount of water and I adjusted my stance.
I took a deep breath and tried to propel the water forward in a jet.
Technically it worked,
But I got launched backwards into the wall that was behind me.
I probably flew a solid 10 feet and made a decently loud impact sound.
I cried out in pain and slid down the wall, hitting the ground. I was in a sitting position.
That really hurt
Nothing seems broken?
That's good
I groaned in pain and pulled my mask off. My oxygen machine dropped to hang around my neck.
I slowly opened my eyes to see the others run up to me.
Honeylemon offered me her hand and I took it. She helped me stand up and I held my head in pain.
"Oh my god Y/N are you ok?!" She asked me.
"Yeah what happened?" Gogo asked.
"Anything broken?" Wasabi questioned me.
Oh god
Too much attention
"G-Guys I'm really fine..." I responded while waving my hand.
Hiro ran around and joined us. "What was that?! Y/N was that you?! Are you ok?!"
He grabbed at my hand while he questioned me, an action that caused my face to flush.
"I-I'm fine, it just surprised me more than anything."
I nervously chuckled.
I felt myself begin to start breathing quicker.
Please don't worry about me
Stop worrying
I heard familiar robotic sounding footsteps come around the corner. I looked up to see Baymax.
"I was alerted when I heard the cry in pain."
Oh no
"Oh a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?"
I know where this is going
Oh god
Don't scan me
"I-I'm fine Baymax. No injuries, I'm ok!" I spoke quickly, slight panic in my tone.
"I will scan you now."
"N-No! Don't scan me!" The others seemed to be taken aback by my tone.
They gave me puzzled looks but I was staring frantically at Baymax. My breathing speed had definitely increased.
"Scan complete."
I frantically turned to Hiro, "Hiro make him shut up!"
His eyes widened at my tone and I pleaded with my eyes.
Baymax didn't stop, "You have epidermal bruising on your back. It is recommended that you ice the area."
"Hiro please! Shut him up!" I begged him.
Hiro's face contorted in worry and slight panic as well as confusion. Nonetheless he hurried to Baymax.
"Baymax be quiet!" He demanded but to no avail.
"Your heart rate is, elevated, and your blood pressure is, high. You also seem to be, hyperventilating." Baymax continued.
One of my hands gripped at my hair, starting to pull part of it out while my other hand clenched around my hoodie above my heart. I was breathing really quickly.
No no no
God shut up!
"Shut up! Hiro!" I shouted.
The others seemed intimidated by how demanding I was being.
"You also appear to be suffering from, malnutrition. It is recommended that you eat 3 meals a day with the main food groups in each. You are approximately, 47 pounds under the average and 23 pounds underweight."
I felt my heart sink and my panic increased. I felt my eyes sting. My hands were gripping so tightly that my knuckles were white. I pulled even more hair out as I tangled my hand into it.
"Hiro please!" I begged to him. He looked at me frantically and look horrified at the news he had heard.
"I-I'm trying!" He answered.
"You also seem to be suffering from, AVPD. AVPD is also known as Avoidant Personality Disorder. Recommended treatment includes medication and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy."
I went dead silent and Hiro stopped holding onto Baymax.
I stared at the ground intensely with a horrified expression on my face. I was panting from yelling and was still hyperventilating.
My hands dropped next to my sides and I stood silently, arched over slightly.
Hiro turned to look at me. He had a worried expression on his face.
Now it's out
Now everybody knows
I didn't think I was that underweight
And I thought...
I thought I had anxiety
"Y-Y/N..." Hiro reached out to me.
I slapped his hand away from me.
"I-I-" I stuttered.
I clasped my hands over my mouth, as a desperate attempt to slow my breathing.
I feel sick
I stumbled away from the group and leaned over, throwing up.
I frantically looked over at the group who was staring at me in shock and concern.
Oh god
I can't
I can't do this
I dropped to my knees and my hands ran up to my hair. I clenched my fists and pulled at my hair.
My eyes stung, and I was panting.
"I can give you some of the assistance you require at the moment if you would-"
I heard Baymax start up.
"No! Please!" I pulled some hair out.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Honeylemon.
"Hey Y/'s'll be ok." She spoke softly. I saw the other start to walk over.
I pushed her hand away and stood quickly.
A spell of dizziness took over me.
It's probably fine
I need to get out of here.
I saw the others start walking over to me and I panicked.
I met eyes with Hiro and a wave of emotions hit me.
Oh god
What have I done
What have I caused
He's so worried
I felt disappointed and disgusted with myself.
"I-I-" I couldn't finish my sentence.
I quickly pulled my filter back over my mouth and dove into the water, swimming away as fast as I could.
I can't believe Baymax did that

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