Chapter 10 ~ Recovery

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I woke up slowly, my eyes adjusting to the light.
Where am I?
Events from last night flooded in through my memory and I sat up quickly.
My head rushed and I felt dizzy from sitting up too quickly, and I fell backwards into...pillows?
What the
I looked around to see me actually in my dorm room. I sat up again, slowly this time.
I tried to remember how I ended up here. I faintly remembered Mei coming in to my lab through my door and taking in the sight, but I was practically unconscious at that point and don't really remember anything else.
I held my head and felt...bandages?
Ohhh right, I slammed my forehead into the wall.
I was starting to piece together what I could infer happened when Mei walked into the bedroom with me.
"Mornin sleepyhead." She commented and walked over with a tray.
I groaned, "What happened?"
I scooted back and propped myself up. There was a lot of pain in my arm and every movement hurt. Surprisingly, my hands felt fine.
Mei sat down on the end of my bed, placing the tray on the table next to me.
"You really had me scared shitless Y/N. I really thought you were dying." She spoke.
I looked down and at my hands.
They're covered in bandages.
Mei sighed, "I expected you to react badly, but I didn't expect you to react as badly as you did. You were passed out from low oxygen in your blood and from losing so much. Luckily, you didn't need a transfusion."
I winced in pain as I moved my arm.
Mei grabbed a cup off the tray and handed me it as well as some Tylenol. "Here. It's an herbal tea that will help soothe the pain and help you heal."
I gave a quiet thanks and sipped on the tea.
"So...what happened last night?" I asked.
She sighed and grabbed her own cup of what smelled like coffee. "Word travels pretty quickly on campus. I heard about your friend worried about you. I texted you and called you but you never answered...which worried me even more. I came to your lab to find you on the floor, in the middle of the room..."
I nodded in understanding and took the Tylenol since I forgot I had been holding it.
She sipped her beverage and continued, "You were bleeding everywhere...and were coughing a lot. The nurse was closed so I picked you up and gave you a piggy back ride back to the dorms here."
I shook my head, "I'm so sorry..."
She patted my head and gave a small smile, "Don't sweat it, you're really light. Anyways I took you here and...sorry...stripped you of your sweater."
I turned bright red, "W-What?!"
"You were wearing a tank under it Y/N. And you're really skinny girl, I wish I was skinny like you." She teased me and I blushed.
Mei chuckled and continued, her smile fading,
"First I put some special pressure bandages I designed to help seal the wound up on your forehead before putting a regular bandage over it. Then I inspected the wounds all over your left arm and went through, pulling the glass out. I repeated the process with both hands as well. Some of the cuts were pretty deep so I gave you some stitches in those areas..."
She trailed off, leaving me feeling guilty as hell.
"Why did you do all this for me?" I asked.
"Because Y/N, you're my friend. And I care about you." She answered.
My broken heart warmed a little but it didn't last long.
"You're gonna be in pain for a little while, you really did some damage." Mei spoke with a sympathetic look.
I nodded in understanding and put my face in my hands.
Mei stood up and patted my head, "I'm going over to clean your lab with Risa, you should get some more sleep if you can. I have some melatonin on my dresser if you need some help."
"Thanks..." I answered weakly and laid back down in my bed.
I haven't been in a bed in so's weird...
I placed my tea on my dresser and saw my phone plugged in. I weakly reached over and grabbed it, wincing as I did so.
I turned it on to be greeted by many messages.

Fred: Hey Bub, just checking in, everything ok?

Honeylemon: Y/N are you ok?! We haven't seen you since yesterday, where are you?!

Wasabi: Hey Y/N, we're all worried about you, just let us know if you're ok...alright?

Gogo: You good Y/N?

I had no text from Hiro and my heart sunk a little. I decided to text him.

Me: Hey Hiro...I'm sorry

I got no answer, just as I expected. I made a group chat with the other 4 and texted them all.

Me: Hey guys...sorry for not responding, I just needed some alone time. I'm gonna go back to sleep now...thanks for all the kind messages though!

I put my phone on do not disturb mode and placed it down on my dresser. I pulled the blankets over myself and stared at the wall, trying to force myself to go to sleep.
I sighed and draped my good arm over my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

Oceans Hiro Hamada x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin